CTBUH 2023 International Conference

Making High Density Human – CTBUH 2023

By 2050, the United Nations predicts that approximately 70% of the world’s population will live in urban areas. Thus we must make sure that cities are places where people can not only live. But also thrive. For effective, long-lasting results, transportation, governmental and cultural institutions, open space, commercial businesses, and other vital infrastructure. All of which must be taken into account holistically and modified widely and fairly. As a result, the urban fabric needs to be knitted together with big structures, the natural world, and the varied people and cultures that live there. CTBUH 2023

The core idea that high-density urbanization can promote healthy living, employment, and civic and social participation will be advanced by the book Humanizing High Density—People, Nature, and the Urban Realm. It will look at livability concerns in the ongoing conversation about potential cities and consider remedies for:

  • Density forms that are livable
  • housing equity,
  • improving communal spaces,
  • achieving harmony with nature,
  • lowering the carbon footprint,
  • reducing climate change’s consequences, and
  • achieving a development balance that is suitable for the regional environmental and cultural circumstances.

Be a part of the answer by signing up right away to visit two of the world’s top urban innovation living labs and take part in the crucial discussion on “Humanizing High Density.”

Location & Venues – CTBUH 2023

There is no better place to have this urgent conversation than in Singapore, where substantial investments in integrated communities and affordable housing, along with deliberate efforts to create public space at height and reinforce the scientifically proven psychological benefits of greenery, have yielded impressive results. It acts as a reproducible model for societal, economic, and environmental goals to be aligned in order to improve outcomes for people all over the world.

The three-tower Marina Bay Sands complex, which is 200 meters above the water and ideally situated across the water from Singapore’s financial sector, is in the city-state’s culture, environment, and modern way of life. In addition to a 2,560-room hotel, a International Conference center, retail and dining establishments, theaters, a museum, and a casino are all included in this high-density, mixed-use resort. The area between each tower is enclosed to form a hotel lobby and atrium at ground level; at upper floors, the area serves as a “urban window,” providing stunning views of the entire city.

Kuala Lumpur has also developed into a symbol of sustainability and economic progress. One of the cities in Southeast Asia has a skyline that exemplifies both technical innovation and livability. It’s becoming carbon neutral by 2050 and is rapidly establishing a name for itself as a sustainable city.

1,200+ Attendees
200+ Speakers
20+ Awards
8 Tracks


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