افتتاح Inversive Enclosure في مهرجان جامعة هارفارد للفنون الأول

Inversive Enclosure opens at the first Harvard University Arts Festival,

The Inversive Enclosure is located within Harvard Yard, the oldest prominent heart of the Harvard University campus.

It is one of four installations designed for the 2023 Arts First Festival.

Supported by the Arts Office, this installation echoes its inspiration from the mathematical concepts of 3D reverse engineering.

Through its articulated mirrored design,

the project looks to capture the essence of its immediate surroundings through reflection and reflection on different surfaces.


Inversive Enclosure opens at the first Harvard University Arts Festival


Design features

Structurally and spatially, the inverted fence is spread out within a rectangular plan,

On an area of 350 square meters (3,765 square feet) with a central circular clearance as the central centre,

to craft the final fence.

The boundaries of the space are defined by a series of Mylar strips attached to the floor and forming the basic structure of the installation.

By punctuating within Mylar strips on opposite sides, the installation creates a space of access and movement for visitors.

The Mylar skirt also reminds us of its natural environment, as it slopes upward, pulling itself to eye level in its surroundings,

It forms a dynamic convex space that enables visitors to get a different perspective towards Harvard Yard.


Inversive Enclosure opens at the first Harvard University Arts Festival
Inversive Enclosure opens at the first Harvard University Arts Festival


Besides creating a prominent visual identity for the space,

the main goal of this project was to offer visitors an introspective experience that allows them to rediscover and reconnect with their surroundings.

While maintaining the diverse and important character of the yard;

Its existing massing and landscaping combined with its courtyards and squares create a protective enclosure.

Given the same quality, the mirrored enclosure thus becomes a fence within a fence –

amplifying and distorting the natural and built environment of the space.

Materiality, touch and design challenge pre-existing perceptions and understandings of place,

while the installation itself provokes and encourages its visitors to question their position within the environment.


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