PITHINESS 蓪常|Material Process Design

PITHINESS 蓪常|Material Process Design

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Be your Pith of the days.

“Pith paper plant” is a rare material and has great cultural significance of Taiwan. However, this plant is gradually forgotten over time, and the chance to be used is getting fewer as well. Therefore, We keep exploring this material, looking into its production methods and design diffusers & lamps. By using it, we add embellishments to our daily life. We hope that people can experience it with touching rather than watching because by this way, you may have unexpected thought-provoking surprises to your senses.


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Pith paper plant  蓪 草

Pith paper plant is one of the indigenous species in Taiwan, is the very first plant that was collected and given the name in the botanical history of Taiwan.

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The reason why this plant is so special is that it will get expanded and softened after absorbing water, which makes it's capable of changing its shapes.

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Pith paper plant is absorbent and shapeable, which makes it a good reed diffuser when it soaks up essential oils.

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1. Soak pith paper plant in water for at least 20 minutes. 浸泡蓪草20分鐘以上   
2. Start shaping with your hands. 徒手將柔軟的蓪草塑型 
3. Attach to the base. 將蓪草以磁吸方式附於底座上 
4. Wait until it's dried and shaped. 等待蓪草乾燥後定型即可作為香氛使用 

We hope that users can experience this material with their own hands, trying any possible angles and curves to make their unique reed diffusers and so decorate their place with it.

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|Wall Light|

Pith Paper Plant Wall Light is not only a lamp but an installation art to illuminate your place. With the light transmitting through, the veins on the crafted pith paper plants are much clearer, the streamlines coming down with the light afterwards.


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“ Soaking ⇀ Shaping ⇀ Drying ⇀ Assembling “

We use iron wires to fix them and then shape the forms we need.


|Material Experiment|

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At the beginning, we tried various materials, hoping to find out a brand new form for this kind of plant. Yet, the progress did not go well. Eventually, we find that there's no need to recompose or redesign it. Instead, we only have to keep it original, because that's just the way the plant should be.



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金點設計新秀Young Pin Design Award 工藝設計|入圍
金點設計新秀Young Pin Design Award贊助特別獎|入圍
Special Thanks
指導教授 | 董芳武教授
指導協助 | 臺灣蓪草學會 陳建華理事長
訪查協助 | 蓪草文化藝術工作室 張秀美老師
訪查協助 | 蓪草培育專家 陳登順先生
訪查協助 | 花玉號花藝店 李麗華老師
技術顧問 | 李修竹同學
2021.09 – 2022.05
Taiwan Tech Design| Graduation Project

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