TWIN BUNGALOWS – International Architecture Competition

The TWIN BUNGALOWS will serve as a prototype of a floating house, which functions as luxury tourist accommodation and will function both as an individual double element, as well as as a group of 10 units.
TWING BUNGALOWS is presented as a real and different option for all those who want to be in balance with the natural ecosystem but with the comfort of modern and luxurious life. Polynesian style stilt houses.
07 august | Call to announcement
07 august – 01 september | Pre registry
02 september | Start of inscriptions
28 september | End of the first stage of registration
21 october | Ad members of the Evaluation Committee
25 october | End of consultation period
26 october | Second stage of registration ends
15 november | End of registration period
30 november | Deadline for submission of proposals
13 december | Judgment of the Evaluation Committee
18 december | Dissemination of results
20 december | Awards
Rates subject to calendar, consult official website:
Ideas Contest for the conceptualization of a prototype of a Twin Floating Housing, which functions as tourist accommodation villas, which serves as an independent element and can be formed into a set of 10 double units.

Link to Registration form

1º PRIZE US $ 4,000
+ Dissemination in the main Architecture sites.
+ Virtual booklet with the best proposals.
3 Honorable Mentions
+ Dissemination in the main Architecture sites.
+ Virtual booklet with the best proposals.
Open to the public/Minimum requirements (Open to anyone that complies with the requirements), Single stage (Winners selected immediately)
Open to architect and architecture students from all over the world. Delivery will be made in Spanish, and a translator can be used.
Registration Opens September 2, 2024
Registration Closes November 15, 2024
Deadline to Submit Project November 30, 2024
Winners announcement Date December 18, 2024
Bacalar,Quintana Roo, Mexico
Location of Project (if developed)
Balalar, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Banner, Poster, Brochure or Triptic of Competition