When does the home of a lifetime become a heavy burden and not a means of comfort and luxury?

When does the home of a lifetime

When does the home of life become a heavy burden and not a means of comfort and luxury?,

Some may be surprised by the hypothesis that the home of a lifetime may be a heavy burden on the shoulders of the family.
Which struggles to find a safe haven through its sometimes incorrect investment.
Through the economic review, some economists say:
“The illusion of the house of life is what reviews the entrances and method of preserving the Saudi and Arab families as well as their economic resources.”
But the reality of the situation and the architectural artistic view sometimes indicate the opposite.
Improper management from the beginning is what always leads to the creation of this economic gap that is attached to engineering,
Which, of course, is attached to the architecture,
and this is not compatible with the true nature of the form of the architectural work system.
When does the home of a lifetime become a heavy burden and not a means of comfort and luxury?
When does the home of a lifetime become a heavy burden and not a means of comfort and luxury?

Steps to choosing the right home

Often the decision maker, whether the head of the family or the collective decision of the family members,
begins with the right step, that step that should be like a snowball,
It is the little boulder that, if launched correctly, will either grow negatively or it will grow positively.
It is in the world of villa design, which everyone agreed on is the first step (choice of the architect).
Choosing the right architect will be the most correct decision for your safe investment,
you must differentiate between the architect and the architect,
And you must know that the architect always thinks about design and technical matters
,makes them come together in a way that makes the experience of life easier,
and a very convenient way to raise the quality of life,
Designing a villa is not an easy thing, every family has different requirements and every villa has a vastly different location.
It is the data of the information and to understand this trend we returned to the office of the Saudi Architect
They are always making the connection between digital architecture and the artificial intelligence method in architectural design,
by reviewing one of the recent works,
It is a residential villa in Saudi Arabia, it looks beautiful, simple and very distinctive,
The modern architectural design makes it easy for the individual to coexist in this space,
We have discussed with the architect until we come up
with the most important three tips in this field for the design of architectural villas,

The tips were as follows:


The right choice of architect:
Some may think of too many different factors, including profile, price, and previous work,
But you must remember if you want to design a distinctive villa and the house of your dreams,
You must bear in mind that the cost of architectural design depends on the number of hours that the architect will take to design your ideas with his ideas,
Some focus on the price and forget the rest. Do not forget that the ice ball will land incorrectly.
Then the economists and accountants will come and say what this incorrect experiment is,
Always remember to rely on the first decision is the main focus, and the global standard leaves open value for design and design cost,
It depends on how many hours you’ll spend some architects,
You may be offered an offer at a cost of 10% of the value of the design,
and some may tell you 3% that it is different. Each architect has a cost of certain hours,
But you should know that if you buy a Porsche, for example, the cost of materials and others may not exceed 35% of what is in it and the rest, you buy experience.
When does the home of a lifetime become a heavy burden and not a means of comfort and luxury?
When does the home of a lifetime become a heavy burden and not a means of comfort and luxury?


Cost study and modeling:
Some architects depend on quantity and this is what you should pay attention to,
He wants to design a large number of projects and that means he will use the cut and copy system,
And you should be aware of that, as each villa design must differ according to the user,
In this case, you will know how much is the actual value of the building with an increase or decrease not exceeding 15%,
And in this case, you will be the winner because the cost factor is correct,
You have your loan based on realistic numbers, and this explains that your loan from the bank is at a correct rate and your planning is realistic.
In this case, it will be because the distinguished architect helped you achieve this.
When does the home of a lifetime become a heavy burden and not a means of comfort and luxury?
When does the home of a lifetime become a heavy burden and not a means of comfort and luxury?


Digital architecture and artificial intelligence:
As the team says … they depend in the architectural design on computational programs and digital architecture,
By entering user information, lifestyles and the architectural program of the family,
The design of the villa will be very precise and enthusiastic, as the mathematical equations calculate the architectural relationships,
This is what achieves ease in distributing the spaces because it is related to the architectural code and knowing the costs.
It will also contribute to reducing the maintenance of homes in the future,
and this is what the Saudi architectural team relies on in the design of residential villas.

in conclusion

We must not lose sight of the idea that a dream house can become a nightmare if the planning is not right from the start,
and the decision makers should not be blamed for it.
Awareness that improves architectural awareness and makes people more accepting and open towards architectural design should also be disseminated.
And what can affect society, and society should beware of indulging behind social media influencers who provide veiled advertising for architectural products,
They must distinguish and know that the distinguished architect does not have much time to promote within the media than to focus on his work.

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