
Higo is a sophisticated yet user-friendly Telemedicine Diagnostics gadget by Studio Mango in partnership with Zign Innovations.

Telemedicine was one of the areas of healthcare technology that was expanding the quickest even before the COVID-19 epidemic. Healthcare organizations all across the world are looking to Telemedicine solutions to support their efforts against the pandemic; causing the adoption of digital health tools.

Innovations in telemedicine enable long-distance communication between a patient and a doctor to deliver care, counsel, instruction, and reminders. No matter the COVID-19 epidemic, remote personal care devices allow for far less exposure to hazardous areas and have the potential to greatly reduce costs and time.

According to a 2020 study on a sizable population of people in the Netherlands, 38% of them opted not to see a doctor for fear of contracting the coronavirus. The Higo device is the newest addition to telemedicine options.

Higo is a high-tech but user-friendly Telemedicine Diagnostics equipment for the general public that can monitor a wide range of symptoms at home and facilitates digital interaction with a licensed doctor. Studio Mango and Zign Innovations worked together to develop Higo. The worst part is that it was found that this particular device is also capable of monitoring and detecting COVID-19 throughout the clinical trials.

Higo is incredibly useful for figuring out any illnesses you could have at home or how to manage an injury. When a small child is sick and their parents are unsure of what is wrong with them; it can be one of the most distressing experiences a parent can go through. Oftentimes, illness symptoms can strike late at night or on the weekends when doctors may not be available; adding to the stress of the situation. Naturally, no one wants to wait in a crowded emergency department where there is a higher chance of contracting additional viruses and bacteria.

Higo is an excellent tool for parents in addition to being incredibly helpful for figuring out any illnesses you could have at home or how to manage an injury.

Higo is a Telemedicine Diagnostics gadget that fits in the palm of your hand. Certified clinicians provide a diagnosis from the Higo back office, and they are accessible around the clock.

When children wake up in the middle of the night feeling sick, parents can use this device for body examinations. The results of these body exams are sent to the available clinicians at the Higo back office, who then give parents advice on how to care for their children and what to do next. This advice may include suggestions for straightforward treatments, prescriptions to pick up at the pharmacy, or e-referrals to specific specialists.

You don’t need to go to the emergency department; you can handle everything from the comfort of your own home. As an added benefit, Telemedicine Devices reduce the strain in emergency rooms by eliminating the need for personal visits. For instance, if the online clinician determines that just medication is necessary.

What, therefore, makes this device so novel? Higo combines nine distinct exams into a single, cost-effective solution designed for mass use. Since the professionals at the Higo back office would be basing their diagnosis on the information the devices are sending to them, each of these exams require clinically validation.

Throughout all design phases, Studio Mango collaborated with the Higo team, the electronics developer, a variety of physicians, and parents. Within 9 months, quickly validate Proof Of Concept prototypes and transition to a fully functional prototype!

The team worked on the device’s visual design, ergonomics, optomechanical engineering, integration of electronics, Graphic User Interface (GUI), design for manufacturing, design for assembly, certification processes, and production setup in this “pressure cooker” of design and engineering.

Without going to the emergency room, you may complete all of Higo’s body tests in the comfort of your home.

During the 2019 Medical expo in Germany, Higo was unveiled. 2020 will see the nationwide implementation of the device and an around-the-clock back office in Poland for additional pilots and research projects in association with various insurance providers.

The existing gadget can already detect symptoms using the data of the digital stethoscope and IR thermometer. So future upgrades for other types of specific illnesses are already in the works, including a COVID-19 version. To offer a real-time prognosis and personalized medical profiling, AI and machine learning algorithms will also be included. But before any mass releases of the COVID-19 and AI, upgraded versions is a consideration, quite a bit more development, and clinical validation work is a must.


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