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ARCHUP stands as a premier architectural network, driven by a passion for showcasing the beauty of architecture and the latest industry news. Our dedicated team, combined with a vibrant online community connected through various social media channels, ensures that we’re at the forefront of architectural discourse and events globally. Trusted by numerous reputable organizations, our platform is unparalleled in its reach and service.

If you’re looking to amplify your architectural event, competition, or news, ARCHUP is the platform of choice.

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Architectural Guest Posts at ARCHUP

At ARCHUP, we deeply value the insights and expertise that architects, enthusiasts, and professionals bring to the architectural discourse. Our platform is not just a space for news and events; it’s a collaborative hub where voices from around the world converge to share, learn, and inspire.

If you have architectural research, articles, or insights you’d like to share, we’re here to help amplify your voice. Here’s what you need to know about our Architectural Guest Posts:

  • Open Platform: We’re thrilled to assist in publishing architectural articles and research. If you’ve got something valuable to share, we want to hear it.
  • Connect with Our Editorial Team: Before publishing, all submissions will be reviewed by our editorial team to ensure they align with our platform’s standards and ethos.
  • Free Publishing: Our primary goal is to benefit the architectural community. Thus, if your submission is purely educational and non-promotional, we’ll publish it for free.
  • Promotional Content: If the intent behind your submission is promotional, or if you’re looking to gain online visibility, there might be associated fees. Reach out to us for more details.
  • Quality Matters: To maintain the integrity of our platform, we ask that all guest posts be purposeful, well-researched, and adhere to our publishing guidelines.
  • High Demand: Due to the high volume of submissions, we prioritize content that aligns closely with our mission and values.

Remember, our mission at ARCHUP is to uplift the architectural community. We believe in the power of shared knowledge, and your Architectural Guest Posts play a pivotal role in that. Let’s work together to shape the future of architecture.

Guidelines for Publishing Architectural Articles and Research on ARCHUP

  1. Submission Process: To publish your architectural articles or research, send them directly to our dedicated email.
  2. Email Subject: Ensure the subject line of your email reads “Publication Submission.”
  3. Content Format: Attach a Word document containing the written content, organized in the desired order.
  4. Images & Media: Include high-resolution images relevant to your article. Ensure they are properly labeled and have the necessary permissions or credits.
  5. Authorship: Clearly mention the names of authors or contributors to ensure proper attribution and respect for copyright.
  6. Review & Approval: Our editorial team will review your submission. If it aligns with our guidelines and standards, it will be published.
  7. No Advertisements For Free Guest Posts: We prioritize genuine architectural content. Any promotional or advertisement-like content will not be entertained.
  8. Rights & Permissions: Ensure that you have the necessary rights to the content you’re submitting, including images and other media.
  9. Embedding Media: You can enhance your articles with embedded images. However, direct promotional content will remain text-only.
  10. Video Embedding: We support direct embedding for YouTube and Vimeo videos, provided they are relevant and add value to the content


1. Publishing in News:

  • Submission Guidelines: Articles should be original, unbiased, and relevant to the architectural community.
  • Image Requirements:  Between 50 to 150 KB images with proper credits.
  • Content Length: Between 800-1200 words.
  • Review Process: All submissions undergo a review for quality and relevance.

2. Events and Competitions Announcements:

  • Event Details: Clear information about the event’s date, venue, and purpose.
  • Registration Links: If applicable, provide links for attendees or participants.
  • Promotional Material: Posters, banners, or any other promotional content.
  • Review Process: Events are reviewed for relevance and authenticity.

3. Advertisements:

  • Ad Placement: Your advertisement will be prominently displayed on our homepage, specific event pages, and interspersed between articles.
  • Extending Ad Campaigns: Extend your campaign at any point for maximum visibility.
  • Ad Click-Through: Users first land on an ARCHUP post, with a subsequent link directing them to your event or competition.
  • Media Types: We support direct embedding for both YouTube and Vimeo videos. Basic posts remain text-only.

4. Publishing Research and Guest Posts (Free & Paid):

  • Submission Method: Send your content in a Word file to the designated email with the subject “Publication Request”.
  • Content Guidelines: Articles should be original, unbiased, and relevant to the architectural domain.
  • Image Requirements: High-resolution images with proper credits.
  • Content Length: Between 1000-2500 words for research and 800-1200 words for guest posts.
  • Review Process: All submissions undergo a review for quality, relevance, and originality.
  • Paid Promotions: For promotional content or to gain online visibility, a fee applies. Details can be discussed with our team.


Architectural competitions: a source of inspiration for leading engineering designers and architects. We take pride in offering a variety of architectural competitions that promote creativity and excellence in the world of design. These competitions represent a platform for participants to showcase their skills and innovative ideas in a competitive and stimulating framework. We work to provide opportunities for architects to improve their skills and develop their engineering designs. Join us and participate in our architectural competitions to explore the world of design and achieve unique achievements that distinguish you in the field of architecture.