Interior design aficionado and writer, exploring the interplay of aesthetics, functionality, and personal spaces. Documenting the transformation of interiors and the art of creating ambiance.
Why should smart gadgets be so obvious?SF-SO’s Hidden Objects propose ways in which everyday items can be naturally hidden and blend in with the surrounding environment. “Companies desire to make newly released products stand out [is leading] to unnecessary decorations and shapes during design,” says SF-SO. “In the end, this is also the reason why people
Diverse educational possibilities Various possibilities of the educational space “Academy-C” Academy-C is located in Sangil-dong, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, at the intersection of Sangil-IC of the Seoul Metropolitan Area First Ring Road and the road to Hanam City. Company C, a comprehensive…
Farm to Table Restaurant by Nature Times Art Design, The design and creation of Original Chicken, a farm-to-table restaurant chain, was completed by Nature Times Art Design, incorporating a saturated color palette into the interiors of One Avenue. The 300…