Tag Archives: Architectural design

Sustainable Architectural Design intervention and effects on Global Warming

Today we are going to discuss The Impact of Global Warming on Architectural Design & [...]

The impact of architecture and Architectural Design on Quality of Life

Architecture is the art of planning, designing, and constructing spaces and buildings. The priority of [...]

Correct Architectural Design Prevents Maintenance in Buildings

The correct architectural design of the building must be a combination of aesthetics and practicality [...]

Restoration of Ancient Buildings & Their Connection to Architecture & Architectural Design

There are several reasons why the restoration of ancient buildings is significant. Ancient buildings carry [...]

Sensorial architecture: Influence of the Senses in Architecture

There are only three responses to design- Yes, No, or Wow and you should aim [...]

Palaces Restoration Projects and the Best Way to Choose Building Materials

The work of an architect is to design and plan the construction of buildings or [...]

How do I determine the budget for housing villas? The design and construction estimation of a villa

Building a villa is a one-time investment for most people. However, to get it right, [...]

The Saudi Building Code and its relationship to architectural design

Since the first day the news emerged about the adoption of the Saudi Building Code [...]

Sun and architecture: Will the Sun Affect the Architectural Design & Design Method?

An architect considers all the natural systems and the environmental aspects while designing and planning [...]

Design of palaces and luxury residential buildings

Here we will share our experiences in designing luxury mansions and apartment buildings, whether it [...]

How Does a Mood-Board Design Become an Influencer in Architectural Design?

Ask any designer or architect about their designing phase, a word of mood board will [...]

Architectural Design for Museums: 5 Important Steps to Follow

The architecture of a museum refers to the designing art or building a particular space [...]

Required Skills in a Successful Architect

Required Skills in a Successful Architect, The industry of architecture is a very wide field [...]

Modern Architectural Design: Standards, Characteristics and Design

Modern architectural design is a concept famous for its simplicity. Also, it is a never-changing [...]

When is an economically useless architectural design?

Design is not about how beautiful it looks, but it is more about how effectively [...]