The UIA-HYP Cup 2024 International Student Competition in Architectural Design invites participants to address the challenges of urban renewal under the theme “Spatial Restructuring: Reestablishing Urban Density.” This competition seeks innovative solutions to maintain traditional urban textures and densities while promoting sustainable development in China’s cities.

Urban Renewal Context

China’s urban development is transitioning from large-scale, incremental construction to a balanced approach that emphasizes the improvement and reuse of existing structures. This competition encourages a shift towards small-scale, gradual renewal and ecological restoration, preserving the unique cultural and architectural heritage of China’s urban landscapes.

Design Challenge

Participants are tasked with selecting a 500x500m block in a high-density urban area and redesigning it without altering the existing road network or urban density. The goal is to create an open, eco-friendly block that integrates residential functions and service industries for a population of 5,000 people. Entrants should engage with local residents to determine what should be retained, renovated, or demolished, balancing modern development with the preservation of urban memory.

Submission Requirements

Designs must include a comprehensive concept, supported by detailed plans, sections, elevations, and renderings. Participants are encouraged to utilize green technologies and innovative methods for data collection and visualization. Any use of AI tools should be clearly labeled. Submissions must also be accompanied by a video, subtitled in English, that effectively communicates the design proposal.

Eligibility and Participation

The competition is open to full-time architecture students from accredited institutions worldwide, including master’s and PhD candidates. Teams may consist of up to four members from no more than two universities, with a maximum of two advisors per team. The project source must be the registered university. Any deviations from these rules may result in disqualification and forfeiture of any prizes awarded.

Key Dates

  • Registration Deadline: 24:00 (GMT+8) September 20, 2024
  • Submission Deadline: 24:00 (GMT+8) October 10, 2024

Awards and Recognition

Winners of the competition will receive significant prizes and recognition. The first prize includes a certificate and 100,000 RMB (approximately 13,700 USD before tax), while second and third prize winners will receive 30,000 RMB (approximately 4,100 USD before tax) and 10,000 RMB (approximately 1,370 USD before tax) respectively. Honorable Mentions will also be awarded, and advisors of prize-winning projects will receive certificates.

Judging and Evaluation

The jury for the UIA-HYP Cup 2024 is chaired by Wang Shu, the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize winner and dean of the School of Architecture at China Academy of Art, with Cui Kai as the Executive Jury Chairman. The panel includes internationally renowned architects and academic leaders who will evaluate submissions based on their creativity, feasibility, and contribution to urban renewal.


The UIA-HYP Cup 2024 offers a platform for architecture students to engage in innovative urban design and contribute to the sustainable development of high-density urban areas. This competition challenges participants to rethink traditional urban strategies and propose new approaches that honor cultural heritage while addressing contemporary urban needs.

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