The theme of Nanjing International Biennial of Poster for Peace 2023 is “Mutual Learning between Civilizations and Peace Co-Construction.” Mencius, an ancient Chinese philosopher, once said, “Things are born to be different,” emphasizing the principles of nature, respecting the way of nature, and understanding the emotions of nature.
He emphasized the diversity of civilizations and their mutual learning. Zhuangzi, another ancient Chinese philosopher, advocates for the concept of “the equality of all things,” pursuing self-awareness, equality of all things, and a state of harmony by “listening to the inequality and self-adjusting.” He emphasized the pursuit of peace and its co-construction.Visual media functions as a narrative of civilization and a proclamation of peace, fostering faith in civilization and the dawn of peace through commemoration, restoration, tolerance, and shaping. In the grand scheme of things, the goal of the Nanjing International Biennial of Posters for Peace is to eliminate barriers and encourage integration. Through the depiction of posters and the conveyance of images, it represents the peaceful development path of Chinese modernization.Today, we learn from each other, as if drawing light from the moon and cultivating the diverse flowers of civilization. As we collectively “design for peace,” we build, establishing the virtuous nature into systems and producing the products of global peace.

Submission of works

1.Requirements for your E-copy of Static posters: 700x1000px(Vertical version),JPG file format, 72dpi resolution, RGB mode, each uploaded picture is no bigger than 2 mega bytes.

2.Requirements for your E-copy of Moving posters: the duration should be between 5 to 10 seconds,and the suggested ratio is 7:10(Vertical version),MP4 file format(h.264), the resolution is not less than 1080pixel, each uploaded file is no bigger than 30 mega bytes. Alternatively a Youtube or Vimeo link can be provided.

3. All candidates shall log onto the International Poster Biennale for Peace Nanjing uploading platform. Following are the procedures:

(1)Log onto the official website, Click to“Upload”.

(2)Fill out the information as indicated and upload the poster.

(3)After uploading the work successfully, when the system displays “upload successful”, it means that the registration is successful.

(4)If you have multiple works to upload, you can repeat the above operations.


(1)Please fill in a valid email address when signing up for the protection of your rights and interests. The Organizing Committee will send important messages of the competition to your email, including notification of shortlisting and winning.

(2)The work must be submitted either in Chinese or English. No other languages are supported at the moment. Entries that fail to meet the rules and technical requirements will not be accepted. After the poster is successfully submitted, you will receive an automatical confirmation from the system.

International Biennial of Poster for Peace is initiated by cultural exchange associations and organized by professional organizations. It is an international public welfare academic activity that focuses on poster making and exhibition with the theme of peace.ThemeMutual Learning between Civilizations and Peace Co-constructionAbove themes are for reference. All posters with theme about peace are acceptable.

The Memorial Hall for the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders、Nanjing University of the Arts

Link to Registration form

AwardsGrand Award (one from all) Prize:RMB 20,000
Gold Award (one from all) Prize: RMB 10,000
Silver Award (two from all) Prize: RMB 5,000
Bronze Award (three from all) Prize: RMB 3,000
Special Award (five from all) Prize: RMB 3,000
Award Certification and Prize(Pre-tax) will be provided for poster with awards. Participation Certification will be provided for all posters been selected into exhibition. Organizing committee has the final right to explain awards issue including amounts and distribution.

Open to the public/Minimum requirements (Open to anyone that complies with the requirements), Single stage (Winners selected immediately)

ParticipationCandidates: Professional designers, artists, students and design groups all around the world.

Registration Opens
Registration Closes October 25, 2023
Deadline to Submit Project October 25, 2023
Winners announcement Date December 13, 2023

Location of Project (if developed)

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