21x. Make My Money Matter. MMMM

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*Photos by Mother for the Guardian, and pieces in the city.

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Make My Money Matter is a campaign at United Kingdom founded by Richard Curtis. It's a project about sustainability for spreading the message that making your pension go green is the most effective action individuals can take to save our planet. 
It is a print and digital campaign with several pieces in the city.
There’s £2.6 trillion in UK pensions. This money is owned by all the british people, and is invested to build their savings for the future.They’re calling for their money to be invested in building a future they can be proud of, economies we can rely on, and an environment to can thrive in.
Click here to know more:


The concept stems from the fact that the health of our planet is directly related to how we treat the land where we live. We need to take care of each of the ecosystems we inhabit to improve the way we treat our planet. From taking care of our jungles, to life in the city.
We create a figure for each universe:
2. Life in the city. A universe that shows a green and sustainable city that moves towards responsible consumption, veganism and green transport.
1. Country life. A life in a green environment where we feed ourselves with the food that we ourselves produce with responsible and ecological agriculture.
X. Life in the jungle. A representation of what it is to live in the middle of nature, respecting the forests and the jungle. Taking care of the lungs of our planet.

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El concepto surge del hecho de que la salud de nuestro planeta está directamente relacionada con la forma en que tratamos la tierra donde vivimos. Necesitamos cuidar cada uno de los ecosistemas que habitamos para mejorar la forma en que tratamos a nuestro planeta. Desde cuidar nuestras selvas, hasta la vida en la ciudad.
Creamos una figura para cada universo:
2. La vida en la ciudad. Un universo que muestra una ciudad verde y sostenible que avanza hacia el consumo responsable, el veganismo y el transporte verde.
1. Vida en el campo. Una vida en un entorno verde donde nos alimentamos con los alimentos que nosotros mismos producimos con una agricultura responsable y ecológica.
X. La vida en la selva. Una representación de lo que es vivir en medio de la naturaleza, respetando los bosques y la selva. Cuidando los pulmones de nuestro planeta.

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Project: 21x
Client: Make My Money Matter
Agency: Mother London​​​​​​​
Animation: Magali García

Project developed by:
JO CORLETT. Co-Founder
DAVID HAYMAN. Campaign Director
KATIE BRADFORD. Operations Director
JACINTA DILLON. Partnerships Manager
KENNETH GREEN. Campaigns Manager
HOLLY MCELHONE. Press and Communications Manager
HUW DAVIES. Senior Finance Advisor
IZZY HOWDEN. Campaigns and Policy Advisor

A tropical scene.
La vida en la selva.

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A city scene.
La vida en la ciudad.

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A country scene.
La vida en el campo.

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Seres humanos.

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