What effect can the colour of a wall have on office workers? In task-related multi-space concepts, would you advise a differentiated colour design, i.e. depending on whether it’s a single desk space, informal couch area, meeting island or conference room?
Actually, yes, function-oriented colour concepts are very important, especially in the office area. Unlike monotonous office concepts, sensitive and nuanced colour profiles create a differentiated, atmospheric environment. This is important, for example, to consciously structure and diversify the working day. Break times feel different from focused work periods or communicative creative meetings. Colour design can support this in a targeted way. Walking through the different areas should have the feel of a lively stroll. In the work area, there should be fewer distractions and the colours should have more of a cooling effect. Communication areas should have more contrast while break rooms should be more natural and material-oriented. Function-oriented colour concepts that use colour tones atmospherically lead to better identification with the working environment and higher satisfaction. The senses are stimulated and we become more alert and efficient.