Updates on engineering and architecture jobs available around the world

We are excited to offer a fully funded PhD position at the intersection of big data, artificial intelligence, and urban mobility. The rapid development of big data analytics, along with advances in sensor technologies, communication networks, and machine learning, has paved the way for innovative solutions to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of our transport systems. The successful candidate will engage in innovative research aimed at enhancing the planning, management, and operation of urban mobility systems.

We are looking for a candidate with a strong quantitative background who is passionate about pushing the boundaries of data-driven research methodologies and their applications to smart mobility. This unique PhD opportunity will allow the student to direct their research based on their interests and background within the broad framework of the project. The successful candidate will have opportunities to collaborate with leading researchers both within the UK and internationally, with additional funding to support travel and conferences. For more information regarding this position, you are welcome to contact: Dr Haitao He, Reader (Associate Professor) in AI and Transport (h.he@lboro.ac.uk).

The School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering aims to be the world’s leading integrated centre for built environment research, education, and learning, and is committed to investing in the next generation of exceptional researchers. In the most recent UK Research Excellence Framework, the School was ranked first for our research environment, with 95% of our research rated “world-leading” or “internationally excellent” for its influence on society, the economy, and policy.

Please see this PhD project’s dedicated webpage for more information.

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