Architectural Association Visiting School Rio de Janeiro

Architectural Association Visiting School Rio de Janeiro

Applications are now open for the summer course Architectural Association Visiting School (AAVS) Rio de Janeiro, taught online during 1-5 July, 2021!

The course will interrogate tectonics in the tropical, post-colonial, urban context of Rio de Janeiro. This year the focus will be the cobogó, an architectural element that is a tangible manifestation of the continuous negotiation of sharing space and the production of subjectivity.

The course will be taught entirely online across 5 days. We will start off with lectures on the architecture of Rio de Janeiro and Brazilian modern art. This will be informed by expert workshops on collage-making, conversations about the theories and practices of construction, and talks by renowned architects.

Students will be divided into small groups and work collaboratively exploring the possibilities of digital platforms.

Groupwork will be supported by tutorials and presentation juries. The workshop will culminate in the design and production of collages that simulate 1:1 interventions on the façade of the Architectural Association, London.

The workshop fee is £160 per participant, plus a fee of £60 to become a AA Visiting Member. The total includes the 5 days of tutorials and lectures.

Visiting Members have access to the library’s digital resources, AA Public Program lectures, AA Photo Library, AA Files and AArchitecture publications, as well as being able to participate in AA Global Forums, receive discount for event tickets and be registered in the directory of AA members and alumni.

Sign up now! Limited places available!

Follow us on Instagram @aavs_rio

Check out all events from here.

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