Berlin is the undisputed home of techno music in Europe, and likely for the entire world. The particular enthusiastic music prospered in the underground scene of a recently reunified Berlin toward the beginning of the 1990s. Initially held in deserted industrial facilities, holders and underground stations, unlawful raves that commended life and opportunity, and were fuelled by techno music, before long became real clubs that actually work right up ’til today.
Techno music clubs and raves have felt the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, with settings rapidly being closed down to restrict the spread of the Covid. The Berlin Techno Booth rivalry is a carefree activity to help cheer up the drained and baffled techno music local area by acquainting dance lodges with the roads of Berlin.
For this opposition, members are being approached to plan an impermanent construction that could oblige a solitary artist, permitting them to move and make the most of Berlin’s best techno music, all while social removing. The lone limitation is that the construction needs to have a greatest space of 4 m2.
While there are no particular necessities for plan entries, members are urged to be just about as inventive as could really be expected, testing the run of the mill thoughts of lodging, plan, and the local area on the loose. Those activities that figure out how to blend blue sky thinking with a component of common sense will probably be the best.
3 winning proposition, 2 exceptional honor beneficiaries and 6 fair notices will be chosen. Honey bee Breeders will grant a sum of 6,000 € in prize cash to rivalry victors as follows:
first Prize – 3,000 €
second Prize – 1,500 €
third Prize – 500 €
ARCHHIVE Student Award – 500 € + 50 € gift voucher at ARCHHIVE BOOKS (
Honey bee Breeders Green Award – 500 €
+ 6 fair notices
Advance Registration: MARCH 24 – APRIL 20
Very late Registration: APRIL 21 – JULY 6
Shutting date for enrollment: JULY 6, 2021
Shutting date for accommodation: AUGUST 31, 2021 (11:59 p.m. GMT)
Declaration of the victors: OCTOBER 12, 2021
AKUT, road craftsman
Dan Dorocic, ON/OFF
Gonzalo Lopez, knitknot engineering
Jürgen Mayer H., J.MAYER.H und Partner
Kerim Miskavi, MAS – Miskavi Architecture Studio
Alice Pasquini, road craftsman
Nicolas Sterling, Sterling Presser Architects and Engineers
Elke Sterling-Presser, Sterling Presser Architects and Engineers

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