The purpose of this volume is to initiate a discussion on the interplay between the epistemology of urban data, data-driven measurements, and therefore the politics of designing urban places. especially , this volume aims to: 1) critically evaluate the character of the urban data that’s ceaselessly generated; 2) investigate how the understanding of city life is being fundamentally reshaped through data-driven models and measurements; and 3) demonstrate how these models interface with real-world politics of urban design in cities. the difficulty explores the three sequential stages of collecting, measuring, and implementing urban data under the title “Measuring the city: the facility of urban metrics.” We encourage contributions from across the fields of urban planning, design, and concrete science and Science, Technology, and Society (STS).
500 word Abstract Submission Deadline: April 30, 2021 (optional submission of a spatial data-visualization image available within the submission form)
Full paper submission: Assumption , 2021
For more information about the decision and therefore the submission process, please visit the Projections 16 Website .
If you are doing not have an abstract to share with us, Projections remains curious about receiving your best data visualization work! this may be reviewed by the editorial team and displayed on a web exhibition hosted by MIT DUSP. By submitting your data visualization piece, you’ll be automatically considered for the “Projections Best Visualization” award. More instructions on our website Projections 16 Website, under the “Call for data vizualization” tab.
For any questions regarding the call, please contact us at
Call for abstracts | Projections ,”Measuring the City: The Power of Urban Metrics” | The Peer-reviewed Journal of the MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning -
Call for Submissions -
Submission Deadline
April 30, 2021 11:30 PM -