The publication will offer a platform to facilitate future lines of inquiry by providing an emerging and established understanding of the importance of research in advancing architectural knowledge and practice. Oftentimes, architectural research supports education both directly, through research training of future architects, and indirectly, by providing for the continual advancement of the discipline, but what is architectural research? This companion will debate this question and invites contributions that conceptualize the particular state of architectural research today, proposes methodologies to better understand architectural research, and/or discusses concrete case studies that highlight a historical dimension of architectural knowledge and its contemporary importance.
CAP accepts manuscripts written in English, 6,000 words maximum (including footnotes and bibliography).
July 15th 2020. Launch of Call
Dec 1st 2020 Deadline for paper submissions
Jan-Mar 2021 Peer-review process
Apr-May 2021 Revisions, as necessary
Jun-Aug 2021 Copy editing and proofreading
Sept 2021 Publication
Please email proposals and manuscripts to: <> no later than 12/01/2020.
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) will be posted until November 30, 2020. Please either post in the comment section below or email questions to CAP editor: Liz Martin-Malikian <>
Call for Papers: The Companion to Architectural Research (CAP) -
Call for Submissions -
Registration Deadline
December 01, 2020 12:00 PM -
Submission Deadline
December 01, 2020 12:00 PM -