Call for Participation: Stories of Situated Pedagogies in Architecture دعوة للمشاركة: قصص عن أصول التدريس في الهندسة المعمارية

Call for Participation: Stories of Situated Pedagogies in Architecture

Stories of Situated Pedagogies in Architecture and … aims to gather educators and learners who are enthusiastic about sharing their stories of situated pedagogies in architecture and other fields with an interest in critical spatial practices. We invite all to apply to this workshop call with critical responses to their personal experiences in education. We envision a playful and productive platform for communication through pre-workshop peer-to-peer reviews, round-table sessions and field trips in Istanbul, and post-workshop collaborations for publication. The concept of situated pedagogies is rooted in Donna Haraway’s claim for ‘situated knowledge’ (1988), which suggests that knowledge is produced through partial, subjective, embodied, and multiple perspectives. Through the conceptualization of knowledge, as being produced rather than being transmitted, situated pedagogies question the static positions of educator and learner, and instead suggest a transformative-relational agency for both. Situated pedagogies may be approached as part of everyday life similar to bell hooks’ ‘engaged pedagogy’ (1994), in which educators and learners connect their personal experiences to their academic practices for building their individual and situated voices and nurture a freeing, pluralistic, democratic, inclusive and most precisely a hopeful educational environment. In contemporary times of disasters, wars, and displacements, it is an especially urgent need to perpetually search for ways of situating education and oneself as educators and learners.

In this workshop, we are interested in situated pedagogies that may be conceptualized both around the notion of education that is specific to its socio-spatial context and simultaneously transformative for educators, learners, and that context.

Regarding the articulation of situated pedagogies’ critical spatial practices, as in Jane Rendell’s conceptualization (2003; 2006; 2011), we call for experiences that question and transform the social conditions of the place in scrutiny for spatial speculation. As educators, we welcome those pedagogical experiments focused on critical spatial practices in curricular and extra-curricular circumstances in fields as varied as, but not limited to, architecture, art, anthropology, urbanism, sociology, and literature. From learners, we expect those who have experiences with such pedagogical experiments. And from educators who are also administrators, we are eager to hear about their experiences of developing experimental and critical curriculums in support of such situated pedagogies.

Furthermore, We call educators/learners to send an abstract of 500 words, about their critical and personal reflection on situated pedagogies. We encourage participants to bring their personal experiences since we think as Joan W. Scott (1991) points out, every experience is partial and specific as well as contested and contingent. Critical handling of those experiences will allow us insight into how power structures operate. If we want to act beyond them. In telling of the personal, we welcome speculative gestures. This as Isabelle Stengers and Didier Debaise suggest take risks to experiment with the possibilities while the reality agreed-upon points to another. And which brings out the constraining situations of one’s specific experiences.

The themes that we would like to address through this workshop around the title ‘situated pedagogies’ include:

  • transformation of design studio and transformative design studio with a situated pedagogical approach,
  • material and social relationalities that suggest resilience and kinship,
  • ability to respond with the responsibility to new sensitivities regarding current ecological, economic, and political crises,
  • urgent pedagogies in times of disasters, wars, and displacements,
  • collective and trans-local ways of doing beyond the universalized and singular,
  • local disregarded and/or marginalized ways of spatial production,
  • performative and transformative acts of education.

Moreover, There’ll be an invitation to established researchers after the announcement of the participation list for voluntary participation fees. This will contribute towards the workshop expenses. Otherwise, the workshop is aimed to be an inclusive, open, non-hierarchical, participatory, and productive event. Every effort will be made for partial support to those young researchers who are from geographically disadvantaged countries.

The one-and-a-half-day-long workshop will include playful exercises, round-table storytelling, and discussions, along with mapping practices rather than traditional presentations. Abstract acceptance will be subject to double-blind peer-to-peer reviews. Participants can volunteer as referees, to nurture the exchange from the beginning. After the notification of acceptance, organizers will invite participants to start responding to each other’s abstracts, in the hope of a genuine communication process. A call for publication will be after the meeting. This will invite co-authorship among participants to explore further the workshop discussions.

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