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You can easily DIY your way through painting your bathroom or kitchen sink faucet in just a few steps.
Water damage, age, or simply wanting a fresher look for your faucet- there are several reasons why you’d need to paint your bathroom fixtures. Your fixtures will lose their luster over time and paint will give them a new look while extending their functionality. One of the easiest ways to go about this is to use a spray paint can or a spray gun.
You can easily spray paint sink faucets made of brass, stainless steel, or chrome without incurring excessive costs. So, get your spray cans ready and get painting’!
Spray Painting Bathroom Faucets
While the spray painting process is straightforward, it requires a lot of prep time before you can start spraying away. In broad terms, it’s the same as trying to paint chrome: you simply have to throw in some elbow grease to have the desired finish.
Here’s everything you’ll need to know before, during and after painting your faucets.
1. What You’ll Need
Since this method primarily uses spray paint cans, you can cross out brushes and rollers from your shopping list. The list of required implements is fairly short and results in a surprisingly high cut in cost. You’ll need:
A. Spray Paint Cans
It’s a given that you’ll be using spray paint for your fixtures with this method. You can find metallic spray paint available in a variety of colors and finishes.
The chief reason to pick spray cans is their drying time, which is one of the lowest in the paint category. Bronze spray paint is a popular choice among DIY painting groups.
Another benefit that spray paint brings to the table is the lack of brush strokes after applying paint. Since there is no physical contact between the spray can and the faucet, it’s simple to spray paint bathroom faucets.
Pick your color, decide on a finish and begin your prep!
B. Primer
Not all kinds of spray paint readily adhere to bathroom fixtures. This may be due to the metal of your fixtures or the chemical composition of the spray paint. Regardless, you can’t go wrong with a layer of primer on your faucets.
Automotive primers work the best with faucets since they are specifically designed for metals.
C. Sandpaper
Roughing up the metal before you paint faucets will help with the paint adhesion. You can opt for sandpapers of 150- and 320-grits for the best finish.
D. Protection For Your Walls
If your spray paint primarily consists of enamel, you may have a difficult time getting stray droplets off your bathroom walls and sink. Mineral spirits will help with the cleaning but let’s face it: no one likes to spend their time scrubbing solid paint off walls. Besides, spirits do have a chance of causing damage to your bathroom surfaces.
You can use painters tape and masking film to mask the areas around the bathroom faucet. Doing this will save a lot of time and prevent you from resorting to use paint strippers to get the splotches off.
E. Protective Equipment
Bathrooms often do not have plenty of ventilation, save for a small window. So, the fumes that spray cans release have nowhere to go. These fumes can be toxic in nature and in large emissions can cause you some serious issues.
Consider investing in protective gear, namely masks and gloves. A good quality mask will filter out any chemical fumes released during spraying, allowing you to breathe easily and not halt the work often. And since spray paint dries quickly, any stray drops of paint on your fingers will be tough to get off, something gloves will handily prevent.
F. Rags And Old Newspapers
While coating your bathroom fixture, you’ll have a brief window to wipe off any paint that gets on your walls. For this, you can use clean rags or newspapers to equal effect.
Remember to be quick if you spot a stray droplet on your bathroom walls!
2. Preparing To Paint
With your toolkit ready, you have a few extra hoops to jump through before you start painting. While you can skip these steps, it would be better not to. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a finish that is significantly worse than what you would have gotten by following them.
A. Cleaning The Fixtures
Ensure that your bathroom faucets are completely free of dirt and grime. Use soapy water to cleanse them and dry with a clean rag.
There are no do-overs if you paint on a dirty faucet. The dirt will stick out on the finished result and render your hard work null, so it would be for the best to be thorough with it.
B. Sanding The Fixtures
If your tap water has any mineral content in it, your faucets will have stains on them that won’t go away even after washing vigorously. To even them out, you can use sandpapers of varying grit for sanding. Doing so will aid the paint’s adhesion, as well as remove those stains.
The higher the grit, the smoother the sanded surface will be. You can alternate between sandpaper grits to further refine the surface. Once you’re done, clean the faucets another time with a clean rag.
C. Cover Everything Else
Here’s where the painter’s tape comes into the picture. When painting a single bathroom faucet, you’ll only need the tape to cover the surrounding area. But, if you’re spraying every fixture your eyes land upon, you’ll need a lot more than just tape.
You can employ large masking films to protect your bathroom walls. Cut holes that are just large enough for the film to slip through a faucet and hang them all around the bathroom. Finally, use tape to cover up any gaps left behind.
With that out of the way, you’re finally ready to get your spray cans out.
3. Spray Paint Faucets
Spray painting can be done in two steps: priming and painting. The process is fairly simple and requires very little effort, especially in comparison to the steps listed earlier. What it does require, however, is time. You’ll find that there is a lot of waiting to do in this process, so you should be prepared to not use your fixtures during this time.
A. Priming The Fixtures
Apply light coats of the automotive primer on your fixtures thoroughly. To get the best results out of your paint, you can opt for two to three coats of spray primer.
The good thing about spray primers is that they dry very quickly and you can apply the second coat within an hour of the first coat.
B. Painting The Fixtures
In a similar vein to the priming step, apply two to three light coats of your metallic spray paint on the bathroom fixtures.
Now, unlike the primer, most spray paint brands recommend a waiting time of 48 hours before you apply the following coat. It would help if you referred to the instructions on the can to know the exact curing time of the paint.
That said, if you decide on three coats of paint, you will have a total of 96 hours of waiting to do before you can finish the paint job. And that’s not counting the time it takes for the paint to cure, which can take another few days. Though time-consuming, the process is well worth the wait.
Tips For Painting Faucets With Metallic Spray Paint
When spray painting your sink faucets and bathroom fixtures, there are a few simple steps you can take to improve your painted finish even further. With these, even beginners can give their fixtures a look akin to that of a pro.
1. Be Thorough
It’s easy to miss a spot or two while applying primer or paint, leaving a small gap on the coat. This can lead to an uneven finish, which makes it all the more crucial to be thorough while using spray paint cans.
Turn your knobs fully to get all the nooks and crannies with your spray paint. And don’t forget the underside! It’s an area on knobs that’s often overlooked while spraying since it’s not immediately visible.
This may lead you to wonder: do undermount sinks have faucet holes? Generally, the answer is no, eliminating the need to reach out under them to apply paint or primer.
2. Some Fixtures Can Be Detached
Disassembling your fixtures can make the process a breeze. The separated parts can then be painted outside, away from any dangers of getting paint on the walls or sink. This also gives you access to areas you would normally not be able to reach even with a spray paint can.
Your light fixtures will find the most benefit out of this, as they are often designed to be removed. You can clean your faucets and fixtures out and paint them thoroughly, before re-affixing them.
3. Remember To Shake The Can
Shaking the spray can will mix up the paint properly and keep it consistent throughout the process. If you neglect to do so, the can will expel the paint in an uneven manner, resulting in a messy finish.
Maintaining Spray Painted Faucets
Once you’ve spray-painted your bathroom faucets, you’re not done with the process. What comes next is the maintenance to make sure the faucets don’t need another paint job anytime soon. And as such, you won’t have to look up how to change a kitchen sink faucet in the near future.
To maintain your spray-painted bathroom faucets, you should clean them on a regular basis – once every few weeks should suffice. Put a mixture of hot water and all-purpose surface cleaner to wipe off any spots that you can see with a cloth. A clean cloth works the best for this, but you can also use paper towels as a less-effective alternative.
Spray Paint Sink Faucets Frequently Asked Questions ?
Can I spray paint chrome bathroom fixtures?
Yes, chrome bathroom fixtures can be spray-painted, but they usually require to be primed well before you do so. The process listed above is especially effective on the metal, and you can further increase its effectiveness by using an oil-based paint.
Do spray painted faucets last long?
If painted and maintained well, the spray paint can last up to six years. While factors outside your control (like hard water) can affect the longevity of spray paint, expect the fixtures to last well beyond just a couple of years.
How can I waterproof spray paint?
You can make use of a sealer or varnish to make spray paints more waterproof. While oil-based paints like acrylic are very water-resistant to begin with, you’ll be making it much more durable with a layer of sealer on it.
Apply a single layer of the sealer of your choice, which will keep moisture off your painted surface by forming a clear coat over them.
Can you spray paint sink faucets to look like chrome?
You can utilize chrome spray paints to give your fixtures a faux-chrome appearance.
Having your surface be plated with chrome is the most ideal way to go about making your faucets look like chrome. That said, it often is difficult and will require professional aid.
Spray Paint Sink Faucets Conclusion
When renovating your bathroom fixtures with paint, you’ll have to stop using them for a few days to give the paint time to cure fully . The process requires tenacity and patience, as well as a tendency to be thorough in order to net the best results.
Though simple, you may need a few extra hands to properly spray paint bathroom faucets. Do not shy from seeking professional help, if the paint job ends up being a bit of a mess.
In the end, you will have a painted finish that looks remarkable and lasts for a very long time.