احتفال شركة Castilla-La Mancha بأول اجتماع أعمال عقد فندقي في المملكة العربية السعودية

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha, through the Institute for External Promotion (IPEX), has convened

The first hotel business meeting held in Saudi Arabia – Castilla-La Mancha between 14th and 15th June.

Where regional factories for hotel products meet, final homes, communities,

offices and commercial projects meet,

With developers, architects, interior designers and VIP buyers from Saudi Arabia.

On June 14, an event was held with presentations by Saudi guests.

In addition to a round table for companies exporting to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,

And a networking cocktail and eighty-four one-on-one meetings between Spanish-La Mancha and Saudi companies.

During the opening, which was made by the Director of IPEX, Luis Noy Sánchez,

a marketing presentation was made by the Regional Director of ICEX in Castilla-La Mancha, Pedro Morejon Ramos,

And the commercial attaché of the Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Riyadh, José Ignacio Ruiz.


Castilla-La Mancha celebrates the first hotel-held business meeting in Saudi Arabia


The ceremony was also attended by more than twenty companies from the region,

including manufacturers of doors, ceramics, furniture, lighting, home automation,

and crafts, comfort, energy efficiency, and kitchens, as well as eight Saudi companies, mostly from Riyadh and Jeddah.

On June 15, visits were made to several factories exporting products for contracting projects in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region.

This is the second promotional measure implemented by the Consumer Goods,

Services and Contracts Division of IPEX with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the past year.

After the direct trade mission that took place in Riyadh in September 2022,

they planned to continue these various promotional activities.

The Saudi market will witness tremendous growth in the coming years,

thanks to the construction investment program that the government plans to develop in this decade and which aims to make the country the leading business center in the Middle East.

Hundreds of hotels are currently being built in major cities – more than seventy in Jeddah alone – in addition to two new productive cities on the coast.


Castilla-La Mancha celebrates the first hotel-held business meeting in Saudi Arabia


Participation of the INJ Architecture team

INJ Architecture‘s leading architectural team participated in the show’s work over the past week by presenting an innovative collection of the architectural team’s designs.

Where the team of Engineer Ibrahim Nawaf Joharji is considered a pioneer in the field of modern architectural design and consultants of architecture and interior design.

The team also provides its services as a modern architectural consultant for projects and engineering supervision for building construction works.

The team is also a specialist in the field of professional space design and planning, renowned for their innovative and professional approach to every project they design or build, be it commercial or residential.


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