استكمال القبة السماوية الإهليلجية والمرصد في شمال فرنسا

Complete elliptical planetarium and observatory in northern France,

Snøhetta completed a planetarium and observatory in northern France,

inspired by the constant, elliptical motion of the stars.

The new building named Orionis has been added as a new cultural destination for Douai,

promoting a constant movement within the building.

Orionis is in a great location, between the nearby Scarpe River and the nearby Archaeological Museum of Arkéos and residential complex.

Orionis aims to harmoniously connect these elements and create an accessible and inspiring space for visitors.


Complete elliptical planetarium and observatory in northern France


Snøhetta creates a compressed volume in the form of curves wrapping around the two domes,

with one dome serving as a viewing room, and the other as an observatory.

Opened to the public in May, Snøhetta has worked with her in close collaboration with CET Ingénierie, Impact Conseil et Ingénierie and Cicanord.

and Studio Dap and Atelier Silva Landscaping.

The team has been working on the project since late 2019, from the conceptual stage to construction.

Snøhetta used the ellipse to create a fluid-free concept.


Complete elliptical planetarium and observatory in northern France


According to the company, the concept of continuous motion defines and feels everything in every space from the reception area, showrooms, amphitheater and building domes.

A slightly inclined ramp, climbing up to the larger dome housing the exhibition room,

can be seen from the outside through the building’s semi-transparent facade.

The design team wanted to propose an exceptional meeting place and a new destination for the residents of Douai.

The architectural and urban concept of our project is inspired by the elliptical movement of the stars.


Complete elliptical planetarium and observatory in northern France
Complete elliptical planetarium and observatory in northern France


Integration into the local environment

The idea of eternity is also present in the constant movement of the River Scarpy and the surrounding landscape that weaves a physical and visual link with the planetarium.

It is designed to seamlessly integrate with the Museum of Arkéos

and shares landscaped spaces and car parks dedicated to connecting these two cultural entities.

The company wanted to show the domes as “a visual cue that can be seen from afar without affecting the local neighborhood.”


Complete elliptical planetarium and observatory in northern France


The aim of the project was to reveal the building’s program and function from the outside through its forms.

The outdoor spaces are shaped around two different characters;

The surrounding landscaping has an elliptical inner courtyard.

“Both help create a cohesive and contextual cultural destination that takes advantage of the site’s salient features while integrating seamlessly with the surrounding landscape,” said the studio.


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