Formica Corporation's 2023 FORM Student Innovation Competition مسابقة Formica Corporation للابتكار الطلابي لعام 2023

Formica Corporation’s 2023 FORM Student Innovation Competition

Formica Corporation announced the opening of the 2023 FORM Student Innovation Competition. This annual competition invites architecture and interior design students in the U.S., Canada, and, new this year, Mexico, to showcase their creativity through original furniture designs that feature Formica® Brand products.

This year’s challenge asks students to submit a color rendering and project statement for a furniture design that interprets the student’s concept of maximalism. The “new maximalism” revolves around maximum color, painterly print, and rich textures. It allows a space for expressing individuality and unique perspectives. Students are asked to use their creativity when defining what maximalism means to them, which could be furniture with multiple patterns, unique architectural shapes, or bold, saturated colors that draw the eye.

Student submissions must include three or more Formica® or FENIX® Brand products, including at least one from the SurfaceSet® 2022 collection by Formica Corporation. They will have the chance to win cash prizes and national recognition and have their work showcased at NeoCon 2023. Additionally, The competition is open from Sept. 1, 2022, through March 6, 2023, with winners announced in April 2023. Additionally, A distinguished panel of industry and design professionals will judge the student submissions.

Additionally, Competition submissions can be emailed to For more information, including complete competition details, resources, and rules, visit


Finally, read more on Archup:

BDFIL – Caran d’Ache Prize 2023

Architecture Matters 2023 – Second City


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