Iceland Beer Spa آيسلندا بير سبا

Iceland Beer Spa

The Myvatn Lake area, located in the heart of Iceland, is a mesmerizing destination celebrated for its awe-inspiring landscapes, diverse flora and fauna, and extraordinary geothermal activity. Visitors to this enchanting region are captivated by its myriad geological wonders. Such as the renowned Myvatn Nature Baths, the magnificent Húsavík whale watching area, and the striking Dimmuborgir lava formations. Among these fascinating attractions, the legendary Skútustaðagígar craters hold a special place, offering a unique blend of beauty and history.

The Iceland Beer Spa architecture competition presents a unique opportunity for architects and designers to showcase their creativity and innovation in the breathtaking Myvatn Lake area of Iceland. Sel Hotel, a family-run establishment with a rich history, is right next to the legendary Skútustaðagígar craters, offering a prime location for a groundbreaking multi-purpose facility. The competition seeks to create a landmark destination that reflects the spirit of the region and provides an unforgettable experience for both tourists and locals alike.

This exciting challenge invites you to replace the existing structure on the hotel grounds with a new facility that combines the functions of a brewery, cafe snack bar, and souvenir shop while introducing a new key feature: the Beer Spa. Your design should focus on creating an inviting, functional, and innovative space that appeals to a wide range of guests.

Builder encourages architects/designers to participate in this competition and bring their vision for the Iceland Beer Spa to life. Your submission should demonstrate your design skills and reflect an understanding of sustainable building practices. As the client intends to construct the project. This is an opportunity to contribute to the evolution of hospitality and wellness in one of Iceland’s most enchanting regions.


3 winning proposals, 3 special award recipients and 6 honorable mentions will be selected. Builder (formerly Bee Breeders) will award a total of 10,000 € in prize money to competition winners as follows:

1st Prize – 4,000 €
2nd Prize – 2,500 €
3rd Prize – 1,000 €

+ 6 honorable mentions

Builder Student Award – 1,000 € + 50 € gift card at ARCHIVE BOOKS

Builder Sustainability Award – 500 €


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