Lean Production Principles,
Lean production principles are based on minimizing waste in the system,
through task-level planning or future detailed scheduling.
Some studies on the latter scheme technique have shown that the use of formal and flexible production
planning procedures is the first step to maintaining a stable production environment.
This emphasizes the use of daily production plans, constraint analysis, forward looking,
and PPC as tools for immediate implementation in any job site.
The Last Planner System (LPS) has been finalized as a useful tool that is widely introduced in the construction process.
Lean Production Principles
LPS is also designed as one of the ways to apply lean techniques to construction. In LPS,
execution sequences create an effective schedule planning framework through a pull technique.
Which constitute work flow, sequence, and rate; Matches work flow and capacity;
develops methods for carrying out work; It improves communication between trades.
They usually constitute only a small part of high-level programming, with great attention to detail,
while they contain no quality control tasks.
Looking forward in LPS is to reach the following set of goals:
- Workflow sequence format and rate.
- Match work flow and capacity.
- Distribute master schedule activities into work packages and operations.
- Develop detailed ways to get work done.
- Maintain a backlog of ready work.
LPS also focuses on increasing the quality of Weekly Work Plan (WWP) assignments, when combined with the process of looking ahead, creating, and controlling work flow.
WWP controls the flow and helps ensure that assignments are ready by proactively sourcing materials.
Lean Production Principles
And design the information to be used and to monitor work or prerequisites.
This study aims to explore and evaluate the effects of implementing lean construction techniques using LPS as a new tool to reduce the effects of risk on construction project time.
The objectives also extend to presenting and discussing the results obtained from the application of the use of
lean construction techniques in an Egyptian construction project to reduce the effects of several risk factors on the project time and determine their effects.
The strategy used is based on evaluating the impact of using
lean construction techniques in terms of PET and PPC measurements.
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