The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea is organizing the Lee Kun-Hee Museum Tentative Name International Design Competition. This competition is open to both Korean and foreign architects and aims to create a museum that will serve as a valuable library of Korean aesthetics and a medium for connecting the past and future, Korea and the world.

Project Summary

The museum will be located at Songhyeondong 48-24 & 49-4, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea, with a site area of 9,787㎡ and a total floor area of 25,696㎡. The estimated construction cost is KRW 75,053,000,000, and the design fee is KRW 4,488,000,000. The design period is 12 months from project initiation.

Background of Project

In April 2021, the bereaved family members of the late Samsung Group chairman, Lee Kun-hee, donated 23,181 pieces of ancient, modern, and contemporary art to the country. This donation, in accordance with the late chairman’s wishes, aims to share his love for cultural assets and artworks with the people. The Lee Kun-hee Collection, developed by Lee Kun-hee and his wife, Hong Ra-hee, will serve as a research and exhibition library of Korean artworks, expanding its value globally. In July 2021, the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism announced plans to establish a Donation Hall to integrate and manage the Collection and share it with the public. The museum will respect the purpose of the national donation, implement creativity based on cultural fusion, expand cooperation with experts and museums, and amplify Korea’s cultural brand.


The competition is open to licensed architects worldwide. Foreign architects can participate as a team with a Korean architect as the representative, who will be eligible to be the party to a contract after winning.

The Jury Committee

The Jury Committee consists of seven jurors (six domestic and one overseas) and one domestic deputy juror. The list of jurors will be announced on the competition website on the submission day of competition entries.


  1. Winner: Awarding of Design Contract
  2. 2nd prize: KRW 40,000,000
  3. 3rd prize: KRW 30,000,000
  4. 4th prize: KRW 20,000,000
  5. 5th prize: KRW 10,000,000

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