Talk to your inner self through music that suits your taste. Luceren provides an experince that allows you to focus solely on your inner self through music, away from the device. It gives you the value of meeting your inner self in a quiet space.
Meaning is silent moonlight. The center part of the logo is the shape of the product.
After the COVID-19 pandemic, People outdoor activites decreased and indoor activities increased. As lifestyle changes, consumer's needs that design their own space is increased. 'Newtro' has made popular culture enthusiastic. The number of consumers who want to feel retro sensitivity has increased, and LP that can feel analog sensitivity is drawing attention again.
The turntable stimulates people's nostalgia with its analog sensibility. However, the turntable is larger tham the size of the LP. The drawback was that it was heavy and difficult to move, so it can only be used in a limited space.
Luceren is composed of necessary elements by focusing on 'light weight'. It designs portable products that can be used anywhere.
Luceren is not an Lp-sized turntable. It's easy to carry around in many spaces you can enjoy music with a retro vibe.