Architecture Competition: National Architecture Awards

Portugal’s architectural community has flourished, producing abundant and extraordinary work thanks to the dedication and skill of architectural teams. Despite the numerous National Architecture Awards currently available, the focus has predominantly been on themed or rehabilitation projects.

While commendable, this emphasis has left a gap in recognizing excellence in new construction. With only one exception, limited to architects under 40 years old, there is a clear need for a comprehensive National Architecture Awards that distinguishes outstanding new construction projects.

Introducing the FORMA Awards: a prestigious platform designed to fill this void and celebrate the finest construction works in Portugal. These awards aim to become a hallmark of quality and prestige within the architectural community. Therefore, providing well-deserved recognition to deserving projects.

The inaugural edition of the FORMA Awards was held in Lisbon, setting the stage for future editions to rotate among different cities across the country. This approach ensures a comprehensive and decentralized perspective, highlighting the architectural diversity and talent found throughout Portugal.

As we look forward to the 2nd edition of the FORMA Awards, slated to move north, we envision a future where exemplary new construction projects are celebrated and honored on a national scale. Together, let us elevate Portuguese architecture to new heights and inspire a legacy of excellence for generations to come.


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