Brian DeMuro and Puru Das, interior and furniture designers respectively, set themselves apart through their mastery of blending traditional Indian crafts and iconography into modern and contemporary designs. Their studio, DeMuro Das, is a representation of this intricate pairing. Each component they use in their limited-edition tables, chairs, and credenzas is of the highest quality, coming together in aesthetically pleasing arrangements of material, texture, and color. Their design method for residential projects may appear minimalistic on the surface, but evoke a feeling of warmth and personality in its inhabitants upon further examination. Case in point is their own renovated apartment in New Delhi, a 2,700 square foot abode located in the rich Jor Bagh area of the city.

Streamlined with a sense of familiarity to the couple who hail from New York City, it houses a fusion of pieces from their furniture collection, plus additional features like millwork, doors, and light fixtures, that display their expertise. “We want this space to be both an illustrator of our brand and an example for new designs,” said Das. “With the apartment, we have the opportunity to convey the range of our capabilities all in one place. New Delhi


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