Non-Hierarchical City

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Non-Hierarchical City
team: Igor Pantic, Petar Bojovic, Marko Petrovic
Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade 2007
Demilitarization of City-Space

Urban context elements:
– border zone between Zemun suburbia and modernist super-block developments from the sixties
– chaos: area is characterized by unordered, illegal housing construction, agriculture, lack of any urban activities
– supermarkets and trade malls enhance anti-urban character of the area

+ what is the functional programme ofan empty space which represents a tampon-zone between a badly planned suburbia and giga-markets and the city
+ what should it contribute to the context?
who are its users? in any case, it’sthe local center, place that interacts with nearby/direct surrounding if it’slocal center, with what is it networked: A – with country, B – with city, C -with itself, seeing that there is no urban context that we could connect with, ourspace has to have an attribute to send and receive urban influences so it couldprovide users from its own territory, like “guests” from direct surrounding
+ this space has to be viewed as amegastructure, like a major move,otherwise, it’s in danger to merge with “sinful community” of illegal buildingsfrom the 90s
+ structure has to be flexible andeasily dividable, adequate for many purposes and subject to change so it won’trepeat mistakes of planned but never built megastructures of New Belgrade.

WORKING THESIS 1 – termite-hill
+ building constructive relation withrurban context + easily dividable megastructure + clear symbolic relationshipwith military and military society

WORKING THESIS 2: FLAT termite-hill
building constructive relation withrurban context / easily dividable megastructure by stripping it of potency of ahigh rise, as a result we are getting completely different symbolic apparatuswe are getting demilitarized zone and working polygon…
an open structure that leaves room forchange and spontaneous growth.

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