Layers Villa is located in Hashtgerd region in Alborz province with the area of 1200 square meters. This building has four floors and the area of approximately 1200 square meters, including a reception hall, kitchen, dining room, four master bedrooms, a complete suite, sports spaces, swimming pool, service spaces, utility rooms, etc. The main idea of the project is based on the 90-degree rotation of the gable roof and a multi-layered structure. In the initial analysis of the site, we realized that the climatic conditions of the area and the neighborhoods could be a threat to security and privacy in this house, which was one of the most important concerns of the design team in the first design steps of the project.
Architizer chatted with Ojan Salimi at OJAN Design Studio to learn more about the project.
Architizer: Please summarize the project brief and creative vision behind your project.
The layers Villa project is designed based on the 90-degree rotation of the gable roof and a multi-layered structure. The project spaces are marked between the surfaces and their thickness, which has created private spaces with unique qualities. The sloping form of the layers are a natural response to the typology of the buildings in the area, their homogeneity and climate issues, as well as the need for a sense of privacy.

© OJAN Design Studio
What inspired the initial concept for your design?
Due to the location of the project in a context of gabled houses, we tried to establish proper harmony with them, and at the same time, by activating the project layers, we also responded to climate issues and privacy in the project. The Layers Villa is an attempt to redefine what we thought was home.

© OJAN Design Studio
What do you believe is the most unique or ‘standout’ component of the project?
Layers villa is a new presentation of the house motif. This villa, while being a gabled building, has a roof garden and its roof has a function. This project has been able to intelligently use the shape of the house to define the spaces required by the user between the layers and also in their thickness. In this project, the walls are thickened to accommodate spaces such as living room, bedroom, bar, bathroom, etc., and this has created a different geometry for the plan that is in proportion to the shape of the ground.

© OJAN Design Studio
What was the greatest design challenge you faced during the project, and how did you navigate it?
The climatic conditions of the region and the view of the neighbors to the project were one of our most important challenges. By defining repetitive layers, we protected the open and closed spaces of the project from the prevailing wind in the area and were also able to control the neighbors’ view of the building. The main windows of the project now face the stunning green hills in front of the building.

© OJAN Design Studio
How did the context of your project — environmental, social or cultural — influence your design?
The gable roof houses in the project context led us to use the gable roof in the project design. The layered form of the project has also been a response to climate issues (unfavorable wind and light) and privacy to the project.
What drove the selection of materials used in the project?
Due to the complexity of the form, we tried to differentiate the layers with white cement and the slabs with dark gray microcement to create legibility in the project. Due to the winds in the area, the use of cover materials was much more appropriate. We also used glass for the handrails to make the slabs appear lighter.
What is your favorite detail in the project and why?
Corrosion of the side layers and placement of green space in the gap created. This technique was used to align the geometry of the project with the shape of the ground and is a specific part of the project.

© OJAN Design Studio
How important was sustainability as a design criteria as you worked on this project?
We tried to prevent energy wastage in the project by defining layers and using greenery. We also use form shadows to create shadows on roof and terraces instead of using non-renewable energies.
In what ways did you collaborate with others, and how did that add value to the project?
For optimal use of energy in the project, we used mechanical, electrical and energy installation consultants in the project. To get the right choice of plant textures, we got help from a green space expert, and in the end, we got advice from structural engineers to make the structure lighter and choose the facade material, etc. The opinions of all these members were very important in the design process.

© OJAN Design Studio
How have your clients responded to the finished project?
They fell in love with the project and said they never imagined their project would be so special.
What key lesson did you learn in the process of conceiving the project?
We learned how important it is to pay attention to the morphology of the context. In the process of designing this project, we did a lot of mass studies and realized that the limitations of a project can create the most important opportunities and possibilities for creating a project.

© OJAN Design Studio
How do you believe this project represents you or your firm as a whole?
This project is trying to redefine. It is somewhere between the past, the present and the future and tries to improve the quality of life and create new experiences for its audience. It is an exercise to activate the architectural form and to show the possibilities in it.
How do you imagine this project influencing your work in the future?
In the design process of this project, we studied a lot about the concept of borders in architecture, redefining motifs, using thickness, as well as the capabilities of the elements that make up architecture, and we will definitely continue it in our future projects. Of course, each project is a new narrative, which we see as a new potential for practice.
Is there anything else important you’d like to share about this project?
No, thank you very much. It is an honor for me and our team to attend this interview and publish our project.

© OJAN Design Studio
Credits / Team Members
Architecture firm: OJAN Design Studio / Lead Architects: Ojan Salimi, Ramin Rahmani / Design Team: Mahsa Naghavi, Sanaz Bazrafshan, Arezou Abbasi
Layers Villa Gallery