Competition for conceptual architectural design is international, general, one-phased and anonymous. within the process of an ongoing urbanization, open public spaces represent a crucial a part of the progression that ought to encourage citizens to interact socially and actively participate within the social life. Therefore, proposed urban architectural design for the world of Independence square is predicted to, aside from reaching high ambient values and attractiveness of design, provide possibilities for active space use with various ways of utilizations which support and improve social contacts. A rational design of the underground parking at this location will significantly contribute to solving the matter of insufficient
parking space in central urban zone and release the general public areas. Within the underground garage, the extent -1 it are often optionally organized for business – commercial facilities. the planning should presume a sense of comfort and safety, also as be in compliance with the principles of sustainability, both during the planning and construction also as afterwards, at the phase of exploitation.
The design should be planned with the aim of reaching the top quality and usage of all spatial potential, whereby the priority should tend to practical and sustainable designs. the answer must also include the weather of “urban furniture” (public lightening, benches, boxes for greenery, waste bins, signposts, signalization, interactive boards, temporary structures, etc.).
The design of “urban furniture” should be contemporary and cohesive. Urban equipment should provide rational, innovative, functional and dynamic use of the general public space, with particular attention paid to its transformation, with the aim of enabling diverse cultural and social events. Proposed design should define places to rest, so it’s desirable to think about the likelihood of roofing and accentuation of those locations. During design process, one should lookout of safety and inclusivity within the general public space, that suggests adequate lightening, locating of parking for bicycles and style of floor surfacing with tactile fields for enhanced accessibility.
Given the very fact that conceptual design includes only the square, while keeping the prevailing buildings within the current outlines, it’s possible to propose the reconstruction, rehabilitation or refreshment of the facade fronts of the square.
The Competition is open for all individuals and corporations that meet the conditions defined by the Competition Announcement and therefore the Terms of Reference. Persons who are directly engaged in preparation and conducting of Competition and their closest relatives, persons employed with the Competition Announcer and persons who terminated the utilization at the Competition Announcer within the amount of two years upon the termination of employment, also as persons who are the closest relatives and/or associates working closely with the jury members, might not participate within the Competition.
Mandatory conditions for participation in the Competition are as follows:
- Submitted design must include all graphic and textual components, as well as other data required by the Competition Announcement;
- Conceptual design must be submitted in a timely manner and in a way defined by the Competition Announcement.
Each competition participant, either an individual or a team, has the right to submit only one competition project.
Members of the Competition jury are as follows:
- Nikola Drakić, architect, Head of the Jury;
- Dragan Vuković, chief state architect, expert member of the Jury;
- Milan Đurić, architect, expert member of the Jury;
- Saša Begović, architect, expert member of the Jury;
- Simeun Matović, civil engineer, expert member of the Jury;
- Filip Aleksić, chief city architect of the Capital city Podgorica, member of the Jury;
- Miljan Barović, secretary of the Secretariat for spatial planning and sustainable development of the Capital city Podgorica, member of the Jury.
If one of the jury members is unable to participate in judging, the Competition announcer shall appoint the deputy member.
All participants may submit questions until August 15th 2020, after which all questions and answers will be published at the website of the Capital city Podgorica before August 22nd 2020.
Questions are to be sent to e-mail addresses: |
Pursuant to Article 7 of The Decision on announcing competition for conceptual urban and architectural design of Independence Square in Podgorica, no. 01-018/20-4478, July 9 2020, the Competition jury informs all interested participants that the deadline for submission of conceptual designs has been extended due to great interest, and that the new deadline for submitting conceptual design is October 30, 2020.
Competition designs are to be delivered at the Archive of the Capital city Podgorica, no later than and including October 30th 2020 by 4 pm.
If designs are to be delivered by post, postal note with the date of confirmation on the receipt shall be valid. The address for submission of designs is:
Glavni grad Podgorica
Ul. Njegoševa, br. 20, 81000 Podgorica
Crna Gora
All participants will be informed about the jury’s decision on November 20, 2020. The results of the competition and the jury’s report will be published at Podgorica website. The competition is open as of July 10, 2020
Textual part
Every submitted design shall include the textual part presented in A3 format and with the following contents:
– Explanation of the conceptual design;
– Description and explanation of chosen materials;
– Description of the application of principles of energy efficiency and eco-friendly
designs (use of renewable energy sources, public lightening, landscaping, materialization…);
– Table with gross and net surfaces and urban parameters;
– Approximate investment estimation.
Graphical part
Every submitted design shall include the graphical part presented on A0 panel format, with the following contents:
– Expanded site of the competition area (in context of the block with contact zones), scale 1:500;
– Site plan, scale 1:200;
– Underground floor layout, scale1:200;
– Specific cross-sections through the square, scale 1:200;
Appearances of façade fronts at the periphery of the square, 1:200;
– Details of site plan, urban furniture, temporary structures – layouts, cross-sections, 3D, 1:50 (or detailed);
– 3D and renderings in existing surrounding upon the author’s choice.
The conceptual designs are to be delivered in analogue and digital form. A3 format shall be submitted in 7 copies.
1. Analogue form – textual part
Textual part is to be delivered in A3 format (landscape orientation), with the content specified as in previous chapter.
Full title of the Competition is to be written in the top right corner of each sheet.
The author’s code (anonymity insurance) is to be written in the top left corner of each sheet. Font ARIAL, font size: 10.
2. Analogue form – graphical part
Graphic presentation of the conceptual design is delivered on A0 panels and formatted in A3 sheets. The contents of submitted graphic attachments are accordingly specified previously.
Full title of the Competition is to be put in the top right corner of each sheet.
The author’s code (anonymity insurance) is to be written in the top left corner of each sheet.
Font ARIAL, font size: 12.
3. Digital form
All conceptual designs are to be submitted on CD that will contain two folders.
One folder will contain a PDF file to be saved with all sheets enclosed in A3 sheets in analogue form. Every A0 panel prepared for printing is to be saved in the other folder. Each A3 sheet needs to contain CD. CD-s are to be submitted in paper package with written authors’ code.
4. Design submission
Every competition project must be compiled in a package, with an explicitly marked author’s code in the corner of the package and a clear indication as follows:
Adresa: Njegoseva 20
81000 Podgorica
Crna Gora
Inside the package and beside the conceptual design, the authors must submit two nontransparent sealed envelopes with a clear indication “AUTHOR’S INFORMATION“ as follows:
a) If the prize payment is made to the individuals:
– Author’s code;
– First and last name/names of the author/authors; or the representative of the author’s team;
– Address, e-mail and number of mobile phone of the representative of the author’s team;
– Declaration on acceptance of terms of competition;
– Declaration on distribution of prizes with bank accounts of the members of the
author’s team, which must be signed by all members of the author’s team with
payment instructions.
b) If the payment is made to the company:
– Author’s code;
– Name or names of author/authors with the address and contact phone number;
– Authorized person’s information;
– Address, e-mail and mobile phone of the team’s representative;
– Company’s name, tax identification number and VAT number;
– Declaration on acceptance of terms of competition;
– Author’s declaration on prize payment on company’s bank account, signed by all members of the author’s team, with payment instructions;
– Excerpt from Central register of commercial entities of Montenegro, or state of the company’s registration.
Gross prize fund amounts to 55.000,00€.
The jury shall award the first, second and third prize and two redemptions in following amounts:
First prize – 30.000,00€
Second prize – 15.000,00€
Third prize – 7.000,00€
Two redemptions each 1.500,00€
Authors of awarded design are obliged to submit the documentation with amendments and corrections in accordance with recommendations of the Jury within 10 days following the announcement of the Competition results.
The jury reserves the right not to award any of the listed prizes if the submitted designs are not at the satisfactory level, as well as to establish special awards and notable mentions.
1. Authors’ rights
Following the adoption of jury’s decision by distribution of awards and redemptions, property rights of author are vested in the Capital city Podgorica.
2. Anonymity
All conceptual designs are submitted anonymously. Anonymity of participants is reached by fee-less download of the competition material from the website of the Capital city Podgorica and by submitting questions without obligation of signing and identification, sent by any email account. Anonymity remains in effect during the decision taking of the Jury and must not be violated under any circumstances. After the decision has been made, the jury is obliged to submit to the Announcer the decision on awards with the official explanation. Only after this decision, envelopes titled “Data about author” are opened, following the
authors of the awarded designs are known.
3. Disqualification
Submitted designs will not be taken into consideration during the judging if:
– the conceptual design was not submitted within the specified deadlines
– the conceptual design does not contain all attachments as requested
– the conceptual design was not submitted in accordance with the stated rules
– the conceptual design violated the conditions of anonymity.
The Announcer announces and conducts the Competition in Montenegrin and English language.
Open Call: Conceptual Urban and Architectural Design of Independence Square in Podgorica -
Competition Announcement (Built Projects & Masterplans) -
Submission Deadline
October 30, 2020 04:00 PM -