Throughout its history, and in the spirit of the founding principles enshrined in its Charter, the RIBA has always regarded the training of architects and the education of all individuals into the benefits of architecture as being at the core of its existence.

To show its support of excellence and talent in architectural education, for 180 years the Institute has awarded generous scholarships and prestigious prizes to support students and graduates at all levels of the professional training in architecture. For the past 20 years alone, the RIBA has helped approximately 700 students and distributed over £1.3 million.

Eligibility criteria

The RIBA Student Support Fund assists students of architecture enrolled in RIBA Part 1 and 2 courses in the UK who are experiencing financial hardship. Students should consider applying for this fund if they meet any of the eligibility criteria listed below:

  • can clearly demonstrate evidence of a financial deficit
  • have experienced extraordinary or unforeseen events or expenditure which has significantly impacted their level of income
  • can show evidence that all options for funding have been exhausted; i.e., they have applied for the full entitlement of government funding (tuition fee loan and maintenance loan/grant) as well as university bursaries (if eligible for these)

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