Shell House: A Mussel-Shaped Recreation Center in Koblevo, Ukraine | بيت الصدف: مركز ترفيهي على شكل بلح البحر في كوبليفو ، أوكرانيا

Shell house is a modern family recreation center, located near the sea. The recreation center is designed for both small families (2 people) and large families (4 people or more).
The concept of housing is borrowed from the mussel, a very common mollusk in the area.

The house is made mainly of wood, both in the basis of the structure and in the decoration. The unusual shape and materials of the building will not leave you indifferent. Completion of construction is planned for the spring of 2023.

Project Info

Status : Project
Year : 2021
Area : 2 heghktars
Location : Koblevo , Ukraine
Architect : Yuri Kovtun

Source: urukia

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