Jackson’s Painting Prize 2023

Jackson’s Painting Prize 2023

Jackson’s Painting Prize 2023 is now open for entries! Jackson’s Painting Prize 2023: Jackson’s Painting Prize 2023, competition that champions exceptional artworks made by international creators at all points in their careers, has been recently opened for entries inviting all artist worldwide to participate. painting art illustration drawing competitions About Competition Jackson’s Painting Prize 2022

Nomura Koumuten Japan: 2023 Model House Competition

Nomura Koumuten Japan: 2023 Model House Competition

Nomura Corporation Osaka Prefecture.Japan invites each one of you to participate in our Jan 2023 Model House of architecture competitions. Our company has been in the House building and renovation market in Japan for 50 years. We have a monthly in-house competition to look for new abstractions new approaches new building idea for Japan’s houses. Would

MiG Prize 2023 | ArchDaily

MiG Prize 2023

The Michel Gelrubin Architecture Prize is designed to bring out new talents by giving students an opportunity for international recognition.The collaboration of famous architects, designers and educators such as Moshe Safdie, Winka Dubbeldam, Daniel Libeskind, Jean Nouvel, Ora Ito, Philippe Maidenberg, Daniel Bismut, Kobi Karp, Jean Michel Wilmotte, Eran Neuman, and Roy Kozlovsky

Architecture at Zero 2023

Architecture at Zero 2023

Architecture at Zero is a design competition for decarbonization, equity and resilience, open to students and professionals worldwide. It serves to engage the fields of architecture, design, engineering and planning in the pursuit of sustainable design.The 2023 competition challenge is to design an agriculture center, connecting the history of California’s first Black town, to its

Call for registrations to Wildlife Pavilions Competition in Iseo, Italy

Call for registrations to Wildlife Pavilions Competition in Iseo, Italy

TerraViva Competitions launches Wildlife Pavilions, a new architecture contest that aims to explore the potentialities of “Torbiere del Sebino” Reserve (Iseo, Italy) in order to come up with creative design proposals focused on nature.Prizes up to 7.000 € will be awarded to the winners selected by an international jury panel composed by, among others, Zhang

World Illustration Awards 2023 جوائز الرسوم التوضيحية العالمية 2023

World Illustration Awards 2023

World Illustration Awards 2023 is now open for entries! World Illustration Awards 2023: The Association of Illustrators (AOI) recently has opened the call for entries for the World Illustration Awards 2023 and like every year celebrates great illustration from across the globe, with an emphasis on supporting and connecting illustrators with each other and the

AI Architecture 2022 هندسة الذكاء الاصطناعي 2022

AI Architecture 2022

The Future of Architectural DesignAI (Artificial Intelligence), while still evolving, is accelerating fundamental changes to our environment and values in society. AI that utilizes deep learning can possess independent cognition and acquire imagination and creativity like that of human beings. We are already beginning to see experimentation in AI’s creative ability through visual and performance

designboom competitions | designboom.com

Portugal Olive Guest House

Olive farming and olive oil production has been an important part of civilization since the ancient Greeks, and the liquid gold that is produced has been a staple of wealthy societies for centuries. Portugal is one of the largest producers of olive oil in the world, providing the warm and dry climate that is necessary

designboom competitions | designboom.com

Portugal Elderly Home

People are living longer than ever before, as a result an aging population is struggling to find a place to live out their golden years. While there are of course often concerns about healthcare and support, there are a huge number of factors that affect older generations that aren’t always considered. Many in the older

Call for Submissions: 2023 Steel Competition

Call for Submissions: 2023 Steel Competition

Call for Submissions: 2023 Steel Competition 2021 Steel Competition: 1st Place, Cat. I: Workplace Wellness Project Title: Immersive Workplace Students: Moises Lio Can, Zaw Latt, Yaning Zhang, & Ming Xu Share ShareFacebookTwitterMailPinterestWhatsappOrhttps://www.archdaily.com/992512/call-for-submissions-2023-steel-competitionThe 2023 Steel Design Student Competition will offer architecture students the opportunity to compete in two separate categories:Category I: A Spiritual SpaceDesign “A Place

RE-DRAW.04 إعادة الرسم 04


The aim of the “Re-Draw” competition is to develop one drawing to ‘represent’ an iconic architecture piece. The participants are asked to draft one image with absolute freedom of scale, technique, and level of abstraction. We encourage creativity, criticality, and innovation. The drawing can highlight functional aspects of the building, showing a deep understanding of one

The TDC 69th Annual Competition

The TDC 69th Annual Competition

The TDC 69th Annual Competition is now open for entries! The TDC 69th Annual Competition: The Type Directors Club, the world’s leading typography organization and part of The One Club for Creativity, is calling for entries, for its 69th Annual Competition. typography graphic design competitions About Competition The Type Directors Club, the world’s leading typography



In a rapidly changing world, we need entrepreneurs who are capable of questioning everything around them and changing it for the better.We are very excited to launch our third edition of the MBArch Entrepreneurship Challenge 2022 III Edition for optimistic and young entrepreneurial professionals with less than 10 years of experience, who have identified a relevant

designboom competitions | designboom.com

Milan Affordable Housing Challenge

Milan may not be Italy’s capital city, but it stands out as being the most expensive in terms of housing. According to a report by Italian real estate brokerage Tecnocasa Group, if you want to buy a property in Milan, you need the equivalent of 166 Italian salaries. So even if you were magically able

BBA Artist Prize 2023 جائزة BBA Artist 2023

BBA Artist Prize 2023

BBA Artist Prize 2023 is now open for entries! BBA Artist Prize 2023: The BBA Artist Prize 2023, international submission and call for artist, has been recently organized by BBA Gallery inviting everyone worldwide regardless of nationality and genders to participate. art story telling craft competitions About Competition The BBA Artist Prize 2023, international call