Concurso Internacional de Arquitectura
The Tree House
For some, “the tree house ” has been one of the primary independent developments. In this challenge we will investigate the connection between the house and the tree , and how these two components can create a discourse. We safeguarded that first normal drive to construct a house in a tree to have the chance of returning to it with more instruments. With another consciousness of the progressions that society needs to oversee.
There is a character test called “the house, the tree and the individual” where portrayal procedures are concentrated according to the individual (HTP test in English), despite the fact that it is exceptionally intriguing, what we are searching for in this challenge is that the connections between these components be investigated and developed.
Para muchos “la casa del árbol” ha sido una de las primeras construcciones autogestionadas. En este concurso vamos an explorar la relación entre la casa y el árbol, y como esos dos elementos pueden generar un dialogo.
1º Premio: U$D 1200
+ Exposición en nuestros Medios y Difusión en los Principales sitios de arquitectura.
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