20.10.20: Iwollo Oghe Memorial Police Station 20.10.20: مركز شرطة Iwollo Oghe Memorial

20.10.20: Iwollo Oghe Memorial Police Station

This virtual charrette will commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the Lekki massacre of 20.10.20 by making a citizen-sensitive Police Station replace the burnt one at Iwollo Oghe in Ezeagu LGA of Enugu State. A week after, a team of jurors will critique pulled from the police force, media, and philanthropy will critique the work in a virtual exhibition open to the public.

Dates: 13 October 2022, 9.50 am WAT (Charrette)
20 0ctober 2022, 1.00 pm WAT (Exhibition)

Nature: Virtual Charrette & Exhibition
Duration: 300 minutes
Registration: bit.ly/IwolloOghe
Level: Undergraduate, Graduate & Early Career Architects

The Charrettes

Our Charrettes aim to be participatory design avenues for aspiring architects. Each participant learns how to clarify sketchy visions into a full concept proposal in a convivial atmosphere with immediate feedback. It offers a great avenue for students of architecture / young practitioners to gain experience in the profession and be part of live projects in Africa with the freedom to work on projects outside of the academic calendar.


Participants are expected to have a stable internet connection, personal sketchbooks, and pencils/pens and be highly skilled in any modeling and graphic design software preferably Revit and Photoshop respectively. Participants will also be expected to present the work at the virtual exhibition before a panel of jurors on 20 October 2022. Moreover, interested applicants should register here: by 10th October 2022. Only successful applicants will receive contanct.

Certificate of Participation

A Certificate of participation will be issued upon completion of the design exercise.

About The Ministry

Moreover, the Ministry is an initiative of the Ministry of Architecture to make our live projects the object of practical education. Additionally, through practical, on-the-job education, we act as a finishing school for students and recent graduates of architecture, real estate, and urban planning. We have collaborated with established organizations such as MIT, and IFC to organize workshop events.

About the Ministry of Architecture

Furthermore, the Ministry of Architecture is research-rooted and citizenship-driven. And change-focused architecture organization with a mission to democratize architectural services in Africa. Additionally, established in 2020, we are in Nigeria and the United States of America.
more: www.ministry-of-architecture.org


Finally, read more on Archup:


THE ABSTRACT DESIGN STYLE : Conceptual Design Challenge

LIV Hospitality Design Awards 2022

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