“Stay Playful (When No One Feels Like Playing)” is an installation by 2LG Studio, a striking sugary pink helter skelter placed in London’s Spa Fields park for Clerkenwell Design Week. Conceived by interior design duo Jordan Cluroe and Russell Whitehead, the piece serves as a whimsical landmark that embodies nostalgia and evokes a sense of joy amidst contemporary challenges.

Concept and Inspiration

The helter skelter, a traditional British fairground ride, is a powerful symbol of nostalgia and play. Cluroe and Whitehead wanted to harness this sentiment, creating a piece that would evoke childhood memories and a sense of fun. The title, “Stay Playful (When No One Feels Like Playing),” reflects the designers’ desire to inject a sense of hope and joy into a world often dominated by troubling news and daily stresses.

Historical Significance

The historical significance of the helter skelter is deeply personal for Jordan Cluroe. His first job at the age of 15 was working on a helter skelter at the Black Country Living Museum. This early experience left a lasting impression, and the phrase he used to entice visitors, “see the fair from the air,” resonated with the design duo as they developed this project. This personal connection underscores the authenticity of the installation and its roots in genuine experience.

Design and Execution

Selecting and Refurbishing the Helter Skelter

The helter skelter used in the installation was sourced from Aldershot, Hampshire. 2LG Studio chose an existing structure to retain the history and nostalgia inherent in its form. This decision was also a sustainable choice, repurposing an old ride rather than creating something entirely new. The structure was repaired and painted in a vivid pink, transforming it into a striking and contemporary piece while maintaining its vintage charm.

Color and Aesthetic Choices

The choice of pink was deliberate, aiming to make a bold visual statement. Pink, often associated with playfulness and joy, was the perfect color to embody the installation’s message. This vivid shade stands out against the backdrop of Spa Fields park, drawing attention and inviting visitors to engage with the structure. The aesthetic choices extend beyond color, with the traditional shape of the helter skelter providing a contrast to the modern setting of Clerkenwell.

The Exhibition Inside

Creating a Cabinet of Curiosities

Inside the helter skelter, 2LG Studio created an exhibition reminiscent of a “cabinet of curiosities.” This concept draws on the idea of collecting and displaying objects of wonder, creating a space that invites exploration and curiosity. The exhibition features “large-scale graphic stickers” made from suspended vacuum-packed objects retrieved from Russell Whitehead’s grandmother’s home after her recent passing. This personal touch adds depth and emotional resonance to the playful exterior.

Soundscape and Spoken Word

The interior experience is enhanced by a soundscape and spoken word piece created by Russell Whitehead in collaboration with composer Quentin Lachapele. This auditory element adds a sensory dimension to the installation, creating an immersive environment that engages visitors on multiple levels. The soundscape complements the visual elements, providing a cohesive and engaging experience.

Thematic Exploration

Nostalgia and Playfulness

The themes of nostalgia and playfulness are central to the installation. By repurposing a traditional helter skelter, 2LG Studio taps into collective memories of childhood and fun. This sense of nostalgia is not just about looking back but also about finding joy and hope in the present. The installation encourages visitors to reconnect with a sense of play, reminding them of simpler times and the importance of joy in everyday life.

Hope and Resilience

The title “Stay Playful (When No One Feels Like Playing)” reflects a deeper message of hope and resilience. In a world often filled with negative news and challenges, the installation serves as a beacon of positivity. It encourages visitors to find moments of joy and playfulness, even when circumstances are difficult. This message is particularly poignant in the context of Clerkenwell Design Week, an event that celebrates creativity and innovation.

Significance of the Location

Spa Fields Park and Clerkenwell Design Week

The location of the installation in Spa Fields park during Clerkenwell Design Week is significant. Clerkenwell Design Week is a major event in the design calendar, attracting visitors from around the world. The park, with its historical significance and open space, provides a perfect backdrop for the installation. The contrast between the traditional helter skelter and the contemporary design setting highlights the themes of nostalgia and modernity.

Community Engagement

The installation also serves as a point of community engagement. By placing the helter skelter in a public park, 2LG Studio invites local residents and visitors to interact with the piece. This accessibility is an important aspect of the project, making art and design approachable and engaging for a wide audience. The installation becomes a shared experience, fostering a sense of community and connection.

Impact and Reception

Celebrating 10 Years of 2LG Studio

“Stay Playful (When No One Feels Like Playing)” marks the 10th anniversary of 2LG Studio. This milestone is celebrated with an installation that encapsulates the studio’s ethos and creative vision. Over the past decade, 2LG Studio has become known for its bold and innovative designs, and this installation is a testament to their commitment to creativity and joy. The helter skelter is not just a celebration of their past achievements but also a statement of their future direction.

Media and Public Response

The installation has garnered significant media attention and public interest. Its striking visual appeal and playful concept have made it a popular topic of discussion. Visitors to Clerkenwell Design Week have responded positively, appreciating the installation’s blend of nostalgia, playfulness, and contemporary design. The media coverage has highlighted the installation’s themes and the personal connections that underpin its creation.


“Stay Playful (When No One Feels Like Playing)” is a powerful and evocative installation by 2LG Studio. By repurposing a traditional helter skelter and infusing it with contemporary aesthetics, the designers have created a piece that resonates with themes of nostalgia, playfulness, hope, and resilience. The installation serves as a landmark for Clerkenwell Design Week and a celebration of 2LG Studio’s 10th anniversary. It stands as a testament to the power of design to evoke emotion, create connections, and bring joy to public spaces. Through this installation, 2LG Studio invites us all to stay playful, even when no one feels like playing.

Photography: 2LG


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