الإعلان عن تصميم أطول برج سكني في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

Announcing the design of the tallest residential tower in the United States of America,

Austin-based HKS has announced the design of Wilson Tower, a 315-meter high-rise tower in the Texas capital.

It includes 80 floors, 450 units, outdoor terraces and gardens.

The tower will be delivered in collaboration with Brit Design Group and Wilson Capital,

and is expected to begin construction in the summer of 2023.

Upon completion, it will be the tallest residential tower in the United States outside of New York.

Nicknamed “Silicon Hills” in reference to California’s “Silicon Valley,”

Austin has become the newest cluster of high-tech activity and startups in the United States.


Announcing the design of the tallest residential tower in the United States of America


Announcing the design of the tallest residential tower in the United States of America


Announcing the design of the tallest residential tower in the United States of America
Announcing the design of the tallest residential tower in the United States of America


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