Updates on engineering and architecture jobs available around the world

Ready to make your mark on the design world and join an award-winning studio?

As a computational design expert, you’ll lead a team of talented designers and take on groundbreaking projects using your cutting-edge parametric design skills. You’ll focus on winning international competitions and help our client stand out in a highly competitive market.

With the chance to work with an industry-leading computational design leader, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from the best and push your skills to new heights. We’re seeking candidates with proven computational design skills, proficiency in Rhino, Adobe CC, Vray, 3DS Max, AutoCAD, and at least 2 years of UK experience. A strong track record of working on large scale projects and competitions is a plus, as well as a strong design flair and excellent communication and presentation skills.

The ability to work remotely is an option, as long as you have the necessary setup and equipment. Our client typically works in the office but does allow for remote work when feasible.

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to join a dynamic studio and take on thrilling projects. Apply now to become a key player in our client’s Central London office and help them achieve greatness.

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