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The Faculty of Science at the University of Zurich (UZH) invites applications for the 

Assistant Professorship tenure track in Urban Analytics 

We are seeking candidates in the field of Geographic Information Science with a focus on Urban Analytics. The aim of the new professorship in “Urban Analytics” is to contribute to theory and the development of methods in this rapidly developing research area, complementing existing expertise at the Department of Geography (GIUZ) and UZH. The successful candidate will bring expertise in the computational analysis of data and the development of methods related to pressing scientific and societal themes related to urbanization, for example (but not limited to) transport systems and urban mobility, evidence-based analysis of urban structures and their future growth or data-driven planning for sustainable urban futures.

The successful candidate will join GIUZ and will have extensive opportunities for interaction and collaboration with other research groups at UZH and, more generally, in Zurich’s rich and diverse research environment. The candidate will be affiliated with the Digital Society Initiative (DSI) ensuring a direct link to scientifically and socially relevant applications, while also enabling excellent synergies between the DSI professorships and within the DSI communities.

They will contribute to the teaching in geographic information science and urban analytics offered by GIUZ and the DSI, through courses at the Bachelor and at the Master level in English and German (the latter after three years), supervise PhDs and mentor postdoctoral researchers, as well as participate in the academic self-administration of the University.

UZH sees researchers as modern leaders who conduct excellent research – taking into account Open Science principles – through their research projects and the promotion of excellent junior researchers who help shape a future-oriented University with innovative research-based teaching. UZH provides generous research support, including dedicated funds for personnel, running expenses, and competitive start-up packages. Additionally, the successful applicant is expected to acquire external research funding. Zurich’s scientific environment encompasses a rich spectrum of diverse activities.

Assistant professors with tenure track are typically evaluated for tenure after 6 years. The employment conditions for this position follow UZH’s legal regulations including part-time options. UZH is an equal-opportunities employer, and the Faculty of Science, strives to increase the percentage of women and underrepresented groups in leading positions. Therefore, qualified female researchers and others from underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply. Care-time interruptions are considered during the evaluation of all applicants.

Zurich’s open-minded and family-friendly city combines the vibrant cultural scene in a modern European city with convenient access to its beautiful natural surroundings.

Applicants are invited to submit their applications, including:

  • A cover letter (max. 1 page)
  • A curriculum vitae, including teaching and supervisory track record; outreach activities; a list of acquired research and career funding, including role and amount awarded; with the date of submission
  • A description of their relevant research outputs for this application and their importance for the field (at most five outputs, max. 1 page in total)
  • A research plan describing their mid-term scientific strategy and expected impact (max. 2 pages)
  • A teaching reflection on their educational values, tools and methods, and their potential contribution to the curriculum development at UZH (max. 1 page)
  • A description of their track record and planned measures towards diversity, equality, and inclusion (max. 1 page)
  • A list of publications and other research outputs
  • A copy of their PhD certificate

Please note that page limitations do not include references. 

  • The evaluation processes at UZH and its Faculty of Science follow the DORA recommendations for assessing research quality and impact. Applicants are thus asked to refrain from referring to impersonal measures such as impact factors.
  • Please upload your application online by 22nd October 2023.

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Ross Purves (ross.purves@geo.uzh.ch).

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