Updates on engineering and architecture jobs available around the world

Benefits: 28 days holiday, two weeks closure over Christmas Period and 8 bank holidays, Local Government Pension scheme, a range of employee benefits including salary sacrifice schemes, staff discounts and free parking.

Attachments: EstatesFacilitiesManagementTrainer-JDPS(England)-April22.doc

Full-time, part-time or term-time hours can be considered within our flexible and hybrid working environment.

This post will be based in England, in the Gloucester, Worcester and Bristol areas. 

This is an exciting opportunity for a passionate individual with experience of managing hard and soft services within an Estates or Facilities Management environment. If you would excel by sharing your knowledge and expertise with our learners, you should join our highly successful award winning professional team, operating within GCS Training, the commercial branch of the College.

Working within the Business, Skills and Innovation department, you will market, recruit, teach, assess, and support learners within the sector. Programmes may include Work Based Learning, NVQs, European Funded projects, bespoke programmes and workshops.

With a professional approach you will have current knowledge of the relevant framework and be able to deliver all qualifications at all levels relevant to the apprenticeship framework. Ideally you will also be familiar with the administrative requirements of the apprenticeship programmes.

You will work with external employers and managers within the College to identify and support training solutions to meet the needs of the organisations and assist Internal Quality Assurers in ensuring that all requirements of the External Quality Assurers and awarding bodies are met.

You will possess a minimum level 3 IWFM qualification or equivalent in a relevant area and hold or be willing to work towards the A1 Assessor/V1 Internal Verifiers (TAQA) award. Level 2 (Grade A-C) or equivalent Maths and English qualification is essential for this post, together with a commitment to undertake the Preparing to Teach qualification (PTTLS).

With excellent verbal and written communication skills and strong ILT skills you will have the experience and occupational competence to assess up to level 5. With the ability to motivate, inspire and transfer knowledge to the learner you will have excellent attention to detail, be target driven with a strong focus on quality.

Gower College Swansea aims to be an employer of choice in the region and as such we have developed a range of excellent staff benefits including:

  • 28 days holiday, plus two weeks closure over Christmas and 8 bank holidays.
  • After five years’ service, staff are awarded with four additional annual leave days.
  • The College takes the wellbeing of its staff extremely seriously and is proud to have achieved Bronze, Silver, and Gold Corporate Health Awards.
  • Local Government Pension scheme, a range of employee benefits including salary sacrifice schemes, staff discounts and free parking
  • All staff have access to an Employee Assistance Programme which provides a 24/7 counselling service and access to a legal helpline.
  • We also currently provide a free annual subscription to the Headspace Mindfulness app.

Applications may be submitted in Welsh and will be treated no less favourably than applications submitted in English.  Gower College Swansea recognises the importance of delivering its services in Welsh and recognises the need to grow its bilingual workforce.  We therefore encourage applications from candidates who can demonstrate good Welsh Language skills

Gower College Swansea is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people and expects all staff to share this commitment.  Appointments are subject to an enhanced DBS check and require registration with the Education Workforce Council for Wales.

Appointments will normally be made to the bottom of the salary scale with annual increments on 1st August each year (subject to a start date before 1st February).


Hyfforddwr Ystadau / Rheoli Cyfleusterau (Lloegr)

Benefits: 28 diwrnod o wyliau, ynghyd â phythefnos ar gau dros y Nadolig ac 8 gwyl banc, Aelodaeth o’r Cynllun Pensiwn Llywodraeth Leol, amrywiaeth o fanteision i weithwyr gan gynnwys cynlluniau aberthu cyflog, disgowntiau staff a pharcio am ddim

Attachments: EstatesFacilitiesManagementTrainer-JDPS(England)-April22CYM.doc

Gellir ystyried oriau amser llawn, rhan-amser neu yn ystod y tymor o fewn ein hamgylchedd gwaith hyblyg a hybrid.

Lleolir y swydd hon yn Lloegr, i ddechrau yn ardaloedd Caerloyw, Caerwrangon a Bryste                                                            

Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i unigolyn angerddol sydd â phrofiad o reoli gwasanaethau caled a meddal o fewn amgylchedd Rheoli Ystadau neu Gyfleusterau. Pe byddech yn rhagori drwy rannu eich gwybodaeth a’ch arbenigedd gyda’n dysgwyr, dylech ymuno â’n tîm proffesiynol hynod lwyddiannus sydd wedi ennill gwobrau, sy’n gweithredu o fewn GCS Training, cangen fasnachol y Coleg.

Gan weithio o fewn yr adran Busnes, Sgiliau ac Arloesi, byddwch yn marchnata, recriwtio, asesi ac yn cefnogi dysgwyr o fewn y sector. Gall rhaglenni gynnwys Dysgu Seiliedig ar Waith, NVQ, Prosiectau a gyllidir gan gyllid Ewropeaidd yn ogystal â rhaglenni a gweithdai pwrpasol.

Bydd gennych ymagwedd broffesiynol, gwybodaeth gyfredol o’r fframwaith a byddwch yn gallu darparu cymwysterau ar bob lefel sy’n berthnasol i fframwaith y brentisiaeth. Yn ddelfrydol, byddwch yn gyfarwydd â gofynion gweinyddol y rhaglenni prentisiaeth.

Bydd gofyn i chi weithio â chyflogwyr a rheolwyr allanol o fewn y Coleg i nodi a chefnogi datrysiadau hyfforddi, er mwyn diwallu anghenion y sefydliad a chynorthwyo Gwirwyr Ansawdd Mewnol i sicrhau bod holl ofynion y Gwiriwr Ansawdd Allanol a’r cyrff dyfarnu’n cael eu bodloni.

Bydd gennych gymhwyster IWMF Lefel 3 (o leiaf) neu gymhwyster cyfatebol mewn maes perthnasol a byddwch yn meddu ar/barod i weithio tuag at gymhwyster Asesi A1/Gwirwyr Mewnol V1 (TAQA). Mae cymhwyster Lefel 2 (Graddau A-C) neu’r cyfwerth mewn Mathemateg a Saesneg yn hanfodol ar gyfer y rôl hon, ynghyd ag ymrwymiad i gymhwyster Paratoi i Addysgu (PTTLS).

Gyda sgiliau cyfathrebu ardderchog yn ysgrifenedig ac ar lafar a sgiliau TGD cadarn, bydd gennych brofiad a chymhwysedd galwedigaethol i asesu hyd at lefel 5. Gyda’r gallu i ysbrydoli, ysgogi a throsglwyddo gwybodaeth i’r dysgwr bydd gennych lygad rhagorol am fanylder ac yn gallu cyflawni gwaith yn unol â thargedau, gan ganolbwyntio ar ansawdd.

Nod Coleg Gwyr Abertawe yw bod yn gyflogwr o ddewis yn y rhanbarth ac felly rydym wedi datblygu ystod o fanteision rhagorol i staff gan gynnwys:

  • 28 diwrnod o wyliau, ynghyd â phythefnos ar gau dros y Nadolig ac 8 gwyl banc.
  • Ar ôl pum mlynedd o wasanaeth, mae staff yn cael pedwar diwrnod gwyliau blynyddol ychwanegol.
  • Mae’r Coleg yn cymryd lles ei staff o ddifrif ac yn falch o fod wedi ennill Gwobrau Iechyd Corfforaethol Efydd, Arian ac Aur.
  • Cynllun Pensiwn Llywodraeth Leol, ystod o fuddion gweithwyr gan gynnwys cynlluniau aberthu cyflog, gostyngiadau staff a pharcio am ddim
  • Mae gan bob aelod o staff fynediad at Raglen Cymorth i Weithwyr sy’n darparu gwasanaeth cwnsela 24/7 a mynediad at linell gymorth gyfreithiol.
  •  Ar hyn o bryd rydym hefyd yn darparu tanysgrifiad blynyddol am ddim i ap Headspace Mindfulness.

Bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn meddu ar Sgiliau Iaith Gymraeg Lefel 1 (Gweler y Disgrifydd iaith Gymraeg wed’i atodi i’r Disgrifiad Swydd). Er hyn, byddwn yn ystyried ymgeiswyr nad ydynt eto wedi cyrraedd y lefel, ond yn barod i weithio tuag ato.

Ni cheir ceisiadau Cymraeg eu trin yn llai ffafriol na cheisiadau Saesneg. 

Mae Coleg Gwyr Abertawe yn ymrwymedig i ddiogelu a hyrwyddo lles pobl ifanc ac yn disgwyl i’r holl staff rhannu’r ymrwymiad hwn. Bydd penodiadau eu gwneud ar sail gwiriad DBS manylach a bydd gofyn i chi ymaelodi â Chyngor Gweithlu Addysg Cymru.

Fel rheol, bydd penodiadau yn cael eu gwneud ar waelod y raddfa gyflog gyda chynyddrannau blynyddol ar 1 Awst bob blwyddyn (yn amodol ar ddyddiad cychwyn cyn Chwefror 1).

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