Updates on engineering and architecture jobs available around the world

The Liverpool School of Architecture (LSA), University of Liverpool seeks to make an appointment to teach and undertake research activities in Architectural and Digital Technologies of the future with preferred backgrounds in Architectural Practice and Digital Architecture, Architectural Science and Technology or other cognate disciplines. We are looking to appoint an excellent teacher and researcher at Lecturer levels Grade 7/8 (dependent on experience and expertise), who will lead and contribute to teaching in digital architectural technologies, such as Robotic Fabrication, Immersive Technologies, AI/Machine Learning and BIM.

We are especially interested in individuals whose teaching focuses on the technological challenges facing the built environment and how digital innovation, and digital tools, methods and processes are shaping the future of architectural technology, design and procurement. The successful candidates will contribute to teaching in existing taught postgraduate (masters) programmes in Architecture (MSc and MA) and professionally accredited undergraduate programmes (BA Architecture and MArch) through lectures, seminars, dissertation supervision and design studio involvement, and develop new postgraduate offerings, as appropriate. The position is intended to be permanent subject to satisfactory performance. All Lecturer appointments will be subject to a probationary period of 3 years in the first instance.

The successful candidates will contribute to research activities in architectural technology and digital architecture and disseminate findings to diverse audiences. The successful applicants independently, or as part of a team, will develop impact pathways and undertake knowledge exchange activities to contribute to the development of new areas in the relevant subject field, delivering commercial enterprise activity, where appropriate.

Job Ref: 057969                                                                                               Closing Date: 12 May 2023

For full details and to apply online, please visit: https://recruit.liverpool.ac.uk

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