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Northumbria University will support a number of applications to the Leverhulme Trust’s Early Career Fellowships (ECF) scheme in the 2023 competition.  

The scheme offers funding for outstanding early-career researchers who have not held a full-time permanent post in a UK university. Fellowships are funded for three years and offer research expenses of up to £6,000 per year.

We are inviting expressions of interest from early-career researchers interested in being hosted by Departments in our Faculty of Engineering and Environment.

The Faculty has a thriving cohort of early career fellows and academics working on a wide array of topics. Our supportive and collegiate research environment currently supports 3 Leverhulme Early Career Fellows who are carrying out original research of their own design.

Northumbria University has been awarded £2.5M from Leverhulme Trust since 2018.

Please consider applying to one of the following Departments:

Applicants should clearly state innovative aspects of their research and how they are of relevance to their chosen Department. Interested applicants should contact a member of staff prior to submitting an expression of interest to establish whether their research fits with our interests. (Staff profiles are on the above Departmental web pages under ‘Our Staff’.) Consider also how your research aligns with our Multi-Disciplinary Research Themes.

The Leverhulme Trust favour proposals that offer fresh and innovative perspectives and approaches, so this will be a key aspect in considering Expressions of Interest.

Informal enquiries can be made to researchsupport@northumbria.ac.uk

Eligibility Criteria

All candidates must hold a doctorate or have equivalent research experience by the time they take up the Fellowship, and must not yet have held a full-time permanent academic post in a UK university or comparable UK institution.

Applications from those with a doctorate must have submitted their doctoral thesis for viva voce examination by 4pm on the closing date of 23 February 2023. All candidates must have submitted their doctoral thesis for viva voce examination not more than four years prior to the application closing date. Hence those who formally submitted their doctoral thesis for viva voce examination before 23 February 2019 are not eligible unless they have since had a career break. 

Full details on the scheme are available on the Leverhulme Trust’s website here.

Interested applicants should read this information carefully, especially the eligibility requirements, before putting together an application as strict conditions apply.

Selection Process

Interested applicants should submit an expression of interest consisting of:

  1. An academic CV not more than 2 pages.
  2. An outline research proposal to include: title, abstract (250 words), statement of past and current research (250 words), fit to Institution and potential mentor (250 words), and a 2 page project outline.

Expressions of interest should be submitted as a single PDF or Word document by email to researchsupport@northumbria.ac.uk by 11.59pm on Friday, 16th December 2022.

Successful applicants will be contacted in early January to work on their applications further with support from our Research and Innovation Services team and a Departmental research mentor before the main deadline of 23rd February 2023.

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