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The School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Huddersfield invites expressions of interest from researchers seeking to apply to the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 with Huddersfield as their host institution.
The Fellowship
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility. A European Fellowship and a Global Fellowship are offered.
The suitability of the research environment of the host institution is an important aspect of the fellowships. Applicants should make a strong case for the suitability of the opportunities for mentoring, training and networking that can be provided to them by the School of Arts and Humanities at Huddersfield.
Details of the research areas within the school can be found here. Information on research groups within the school and individual staff profiles can be found via the University’s research portal.
Candidate Eligibitlity Criteria
At the call deadline, applicants must in a possession of a doctoral degree (defined as a successfully defended doctoral thesis, even if the doctoral degree has yet to be awarded) and have no more than 8 years full-time equivalent experience in research since award of their first doctoral degree. Time spent not working in research can be taken into consideration for the purposes of this calculation.
Mobility: Applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the host institution (for European Postdoctoral Fellowships), or the country of the host institution for the outgoing phase (for Global Postdoctoral Fellowships) for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline.
Supported researchers can be of any nationality. However, candidates to the Global Postdoctoral Fellowship must be nationals or long-term residents of EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries.
Details of the call and several useful documents can be found here. All potential candidates are encouraged to carefully check the full eligibility criteria in latest available Guide for Applicants.
Financial Details
The salary and expense allocations for the fellowships can be found in the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-2024.
The Expression of Interest Process
Expressions of interest should be sent to J.Tierney@hud.ac.uk by 15th April 2024.
Please send two documents:
- A two-page CV covering education, any relevant employment, publications, awards, exhibitions etc.
- A two-page fellowship proposal consisting of:
- Confirmation of the fellowship for which you would like to apply – European or Global.
- A statement of your eligibility to apply referencing the specific candidate eligibility criteria.
- A summary of the proposed research project including the aims and objectives along with an outline of the methodology.
- A statement on the suitability of the research environment within the School of Arts and Humanities at Huddersfield.
- Details of opportunities for training and networking activities that the fellowship will provide (including any secondments and placement in the non-academic sector if planned).
A selection process within the School of Arts and Humanities will determine which proposals go forward to a full application and a programme of mentoring and application development will be offered to the selected candidates in the lead up to the call deadline (expected to be 11th September 2024).
The school will endeavor to provide all candidates with a decision on their expression of interest by early May.