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There is need to develop new insights and digital tools for evidence-based and data-informed place management, in collaboration with community participation and input for the benefit of local, national, and international exchange. This studentship will focus on research into the use and visualisation of open data for the benefit of building a digital planning infrastructure for sub-regional development.

This opportunity is part of an appointed team of four people, who will develop research and impact activity for ‘The Impact Hub’ (TIH) interdisciplinary project, under the auspices of the wider Healthy & Innovative Loughborough (H&IL) project funded by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) via the Loughborough Town Deal project.

The successful candidate will work in close collaboration with supervisors and three other team members: Doctoral Researcher (Methods, toolkits, and design guidance for analysing heritage assets and heritage interpretation in urban studies through urban visual data management and display); Research Associate (Urban & Regional Studies); and Research Officer in Spatial Data Science.

TIH will establish a town observatory to record and monitor change occurring in Loughborough from the implementation of the Town Investment Plan. This will support future evidence-based decision-making and sustainable regional development, research, enterprise, and knowledge to address specific problems identified in the Plan by:

  • providing support for business innovation, entrepreneurship, and growth;
  • inspiring people to develop active and healthy lifestyles;
  • understanding the town’s problems and promoting revitalisation of its centre.

The successful candidate is likely to have a background in or appreciation for the relationship between spatial data science, geo-informatics, urban design, and urban studies.


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