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We are seeking to recruit one 50% FTE (2.5 days per week) post-doctoral research associate, for a 36-month fixed period, starting as soon as possible. The post holder will be part of the thriving Research Group Urban Form and Social Space in the School of Architecture, working on a UKRI funded study addressing the mental health crisis of children and young people through creative methods. 

The project aims to promote easy access to best practices in local art activities that support the mental health needs of Children and Young People (CYP) aged 9-13. We will co-create with CYP and community art partners new scalable evidence concerning (a) how to access arts activities that best support mental health of CYP; (b) how to evaluate art activities that meet the diverse mental health needs of CYP; (c) how to maximise the benefits of arts activities for as many CYP as possible.

Working within the team, the post holder will help create a digital platform where evidence-based local arts activities will become easily accessible for CYP, their families, relevant organisations and services. Through workshops and focus groups, we will give voice to CYP’s experiences and preferences, and engage in extensive evidence and database synthesis to develop a data-driving mapping methodology. We will create an exhaustive list of existing data-base and identify useful features that are interactive, easy to use, attractive to CYP, scalable and sustainable, for example, using 3D maps or digital games. The post holder will also work on the spatial audit of the built environment that accommodates place-based art activities, green and blue spaces that benefit mental health.

Job Ref: 074426                                                                                               Closing Date: 22 March 2024

For full details and to apply online, please visit: https://recruit.liverpool.ac.uk

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