,BIG unveils its design for a hotel room surrounded by bird houses

BIG has unveiled the design of a hotel room, surrounded by 350 birdhouses.

She designed the room at The Treehotel in Swedish Bland, where it was called Biosphere.

This room is famous for its wide variety of cabins, with each cabin having a distinct identity,

interacting differently with the forest.

Developed in close collaboration with Treehotel and Swedish ornithologist Ulf Öhman,

BIG decided to wrap the hotel room in compact wooden boxes,

which can accommodate the hotel’s 350 bird houses.


BIG unveils its design for a hotel room surrounded by bird houses


Design Features

The room is 34 square meters, suspended in the Harads pine trees.

BIG’s experimental design is the property’s eighth room, which seeks to enhance the surrounding biosphere.

BIG decided to invite not only human visitors but also resident birds and bats to coexist in a spherical swarm of nests.

Bjarke Ingels had preliminary conversations with Ulf Öhman Uhmann of the Norrbotten Society of Ornithology,

in which he learned that birds do not fall into their nests.

What created the hope that the glass would remain clear within this cloud of bird geometry.

Then BIG designed the hotel room by creating an innovative facade system,

which could be a bird’s nest home.

The goal of the Biosphere is to reduce the downward spiral of bird populations in Swedish forests,

and instead enhance the biosphere and natural refuge.


BIG unveils its design for a hotel room surrounded by bird houses


How to get to the room

The hotel room will be accessed via a suspension bridge descending from the ground to the top of the trees;

the hotel room features rich dark interiors and organic materials.

The use of materials inspired by the surrounding landscape, which serves to enhance the visitors’ view of the outside,

more and focus on the natural beauty of the surroundings.


BIG unveils its design for a hotel room surrounded by bird houses


Then BIG made the interior design as simple and realistic as possible,

allowing for a range of experiences within a relatively small space.

This is due to its solid and open hatch conceptual configuration.

Visitors will have access to a rooftop terrace near treetop canopies that offers 360° views of the forest.


BIG unveils its design for a hotel room surrounded by bird houses


The interior will receive daylight, by varying the individual sizes of the bird’s nests and extending them outward,

based on the type and frequency of birds in the area, and the hotel room will still maintain the outside views.

Guests were also given the opportunity to experience bird life at close quarters and be at the epicenter of nature unfolding,

by enveloping the new hotel room in an ecological setting.


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