Boundary Conditions: Reframing the Pepys Estate
Venue and dates:
Gareth Gardner Gallery
50 Resolution Way, London SE8 4AL
22 September 2023 – 15 October 2023
Private view, 21 September 6pm–9pm
Free admission, check the website for specific opening dates/times
New works by: Jérôme Favre, Gareth Gardner, Tim George, Freddie Miller, Danilo Murru
Gareth Gardner Gallery – the UK’s only gallery dedicated to photography of architecture and place – will host Boundary Conditions, an exhibition combining newly commissioned photography with! lm, graphics, and archive material. The exhibit is showing as part of the 2023 Deptford X art festival.
Inspired by The Architectural Review’s seminal Manplan editorial program of 1969–1970, the project also commemorates the completion of the construction of the estate 50 years ago, in 1973.
The exhibition provides a series of contemporary perspectives of the estate, while also investigating how its fortunes have “actuated through history. Opened in 1966 by the Duke of Edinburgh for ‘the peaceful enjoyment and well-being of Londoners’, the Pepys Estate was prominently featured in the Manplan issue on housing in September 1970, illustrated by monochrome reportage photographs by Tony Ray-Jones.