Call for submissions: TraMod AWARDS 2023

Call for submissions: TraMod AWARDS 2023

The world’s first International Award on Interactions between Tradition & Modernity in Architecture & Design.

About TraMod ACADEMY

TraMod [Tradition + Modernity] is an International academy for studying interactions between tradition and modernity in architecture and design.

Respecting and saving identity, traditions, and cultures on one hand and being modern and up-dated on the other hand, cause new generations of architects and designers to have a mixture of tradition and modernity in their architecture, interior design, and fashion-industrial design projects.

TraMod ACADEMY focuses on the methods of this mixture and will analyze architecture and design projects which follow this way of design thinking.

This academy is an open platform to share projects, workshops, webinars, competitions, tours, and interviews with architects and designers worldwide.

About TraMod AWARDS:

Besides all these activities, TraMod ACADEMY is ready to run its INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN AWARD EVENT, TraMod AWARDS 2023.

The TraMod AWARDS 2023 will focus on built/unbuilt Architecture, Interior Design, Fashion Design, and Industrial-Product Design projects in which interaction between tradition and modernity can be felt in appearance or meaning and internal aspects of the projects in two professional/student categories.

The juries in each division will decide on the judging rules and the submissions will be online according to the submission guide and rules of the academy. The jury process will be online and The GALA NIGHT and winners announcement will be face to face and in one of the most famous universities in Istanbul, Turkey.

AWARDS Goals & Visions

Studying, analyzing, selecting, and sharing architecture and design projects with interactions between tradition and modernity is the primary goal of this program. How architecture & design have respect for culture and how culture is being updated with today`s users and how to keep past and identity beside modernity are some other essential factors of this award. The problem(s) is cleared (How to have this combination or is this combination needed?). However, the solution needs such discussions which TraMod ACADEMY, as the first center in the world, is looking for.

If you have paid attention to cultures, societies, identities, traditions, history, past, today, and future in your design projects. TraMod AWARDS is the correct destination to submit what you have done. We are looking for solutions to interactions between tradition and modernity in architecture and design. Also, these interactions may include concept, idea, appearance, and meaning or construction aspects in any creation of the design world.

Lastly, More information, registrations, and submissions can be found on the website.


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